Chapter Twenty One

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Dear Scott,

The calmness of the morning

The ever-rising sun

Does dance upon 

My sleeping face

Resting softly 

You and me

From a window

Beating in 

So beautiful 

The wind does chime

When it sings 

The song of us

But the wind 

So swift and fatal

Is changing ever still


Brown, so dark

Ominously it taunts

Triggering emotions


Longingly they stare

Pulling from me emotions

Twisting and turning

The black outlines 

Standing strong 

At the core

Holding mine so strongly

Full of secrets 


To be 


My eyes fluttered open, the sun beaming in, awakening me from my deep slumber. Falling into my eyes, my hair was tied up in a loose knot on top of my head, my face pressing softly on the unfamiliar pillow. Inhaling, I took in the room, the silence bouncing off of the blank walls. My arm swung limply to the side, elongating my back as I stretched out my stiff figure. 

Sitting up, I noticed the empty space beside me, the sheets messily bunched together. The unfamiliarity of the setting began to settle in, making me feel uneasy. I rubbed my eyes, my thoughts blank and my mind not yet fully awake. Noticing my phone on the nightstand to my right, I checked the time, nearly 10 a.m. on a Saturday morning. 

Tossing back the tangled mess of sheets and blankets, I freed my legs before swinging them over the side of the bed. The soft carpet tickled my toes as I crunched them together. The weight of my brain pressed against the inside of my skull as my head tipped forward, falling in between my knees. The blood flowed freely through my limbs, clotting in my fingertips and toes near the carpeted ground. Opening my eyes, I braced myself to stand, my toes trying their best to burrow into the warm carpet for support.

I felt the warmth of the heater rise from the corner of the room as I stumbled towards the open door, gathering myself together, using all of my energy to stand up straight. I turned back to look at the bottom bunk, the sheets a tangled mess of blues and blacks. Taking a deep breath, I took in the room. It was different in the day time, there were shadows and corners I hadn't noticed just hours earlier. I studied the shape of the small room briefly, a setting I hoped to never forget but I knew would fade with time and age. I took one last look at the pillow I had woken up to before turning my attention back to the door. Grabbing hold of the doorframe, I left the room behind me, a sliver of myself staying behind. 

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