Chapter Six

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Dear Scott,

My heart was so full of

Anger and pain, when

You passed me, moving on

Then one moment

An action so quick 

You stood there once again

You held me tight, against

Your chest, for the first time

Coming to me

Then later that night

An endless talk

With sleep, put to an end

Again we existed 

In a world all out own

In a world, I thought 

To be extinct

I'm sorry to say

You're still in my heart

I hate to admit it

When you’ve still got her

The lust of your life

But honey, love’s waiting

At the back door

The seats around us were hardly filled; the amount of blue fabric far outweighing the winter jackets in our section. With Tyler to my right and Silvia to my left, I stared down at the sheet of ice below as the hockey players skated back and forth like bees in a hive. The puck flew around, untouchable, as the players raced around after it. 

“I’m gonna go get Scott,” Tyler rose as he read his latest text from Scott begging for a rescue. “Give me your ticket,” he put out his hand as I reached into my pocket, my fingertips shaking from my anxious thoughts. 

In seconds Tyler was gone and I turned to Silvia and motioned  to the game, “I really have no clue what’s going on down there.” 

“And you think I do?” She laughed. “We’re here with friends Missy, that’s what tonight is about, friends and having fun. Oh and we can’t forget about the concert afterwards!” She smiled before reaching into her purse. “Now if I could only find where I put that-”

“Hey guys,” Scott interrupted as he climbed over our stuff to get to the seat on the other side of Silvia. Tyler took his seat next to me and focused on the game once more.

“Found it!” Silvia shouted, holding up the reminisce of a burrito she had for lunch earlier that day. She eagerly slid the sides of the silver wrapper down before taking a bite.

“That stinks,” I laughed, trying not to peak passed her at Scott.

Scott tilted his head to the side, giving her that “you’re-socially-awkward look” and began laughing along with me. Our laughs were cute together, I realized as Silvia raised her eyebrows at me, her mouth politely full. Silvia continued munching on her burrito as if it was as normal as peanuts at a baseball game, while the rest of us tried to ignore the odd smell of cold beans. Constantly crinkling the edges of her wrapper, it was apparent that Silvia had absolutely no interest in watching the game below.

I glanced over at Tyler, his silence making me feel uncomfortable. “You know,” I began. “Your butt-chin is extremely pronounced in this light…” I felt a smile come over me as he pinched his lips together like he had just eaten something sour.

Dear ScottWhere stories live. Discover now