Chapter Sixteen

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Dear Scott,

How is it you don’t know?

Why is it you can’t see?

Scott, the world keeps on spinning

Twisting and turning everyday

I hate all of the things

Running through your mind

Of all these things

I matter not

In fact, I know I matter

You’ve said it a thousand times


Dear Scott, I matter

If so not how I want

I feel that pang between us

I see it every day

Scott, how could it be one-sided

When you look so passionately?

On the other hand

I get it

There’s something different this time

It can’t come easily

You have to fight for what you want

I won’t just fall or fly or fawn

But rather lead you to me

Keep time with my 

Quickening beat

Let the tempo make us one

“How did all of your thinking go last night?” I kept my eyes on my locker, switching out folders and notebooks for different classes. 

“Good,” he sighed. “I also thought about what a bully you are,” I glanced up at him standing over me, his hands shoved tightly in his pockets as always.

“I see. Well this bully woke me up in the middle of the night last night… I was super pissed,” I turned my attention back to my locker, double checking to make sure I had everything I needed for the rest of the day. 

“Oh really? Well I’ve been dealing with this huge bully for weeks now… might have to report her… it’s getting that bad." I whipped around to face him, raising my eyebrows suspiciously. That's you! He's talking about you! I thought to myself, my intense stare not once faltering. 

“Is that so?” I asked.

“Yeah. She’s also a huge dork… so I mean I really don’t know what to do about it,” he shrugged, trying not to smile.

“Well come on… I bet she’s a cute dork,” I smiled then, feeling triumphant. My heart began to twist in my chest, hugging itself as I waited for his answer. I'm cute, say I'm cute! 

He bit his lip, his pause adding an element of anticipation to the conversation. My bottom lip was in-between my teeth, locking in a squeal of joy that was creeping up my throat. “Well… yeah. She is,” he smiled, digging his hands further into his pockets. "She's pretty damn cute, actually." 

Had he not been standing right there in front of me, who knows how my body would have reacted to him calling me cute. I imagined myself falling into the lockers behind me, wrapping my arms around my middle as I hugged myself in celebration. I'm pretty damn cute! Ah! I wanted to fall forward into his arms and stay there, pulling his face forcefully to mine before staring into his big brown eyes. I'd keep his face an inch away from mine, our skin nearly touching, teasing us both, before tugging him by the neck and kissing him longer and more passionately than he had ever been kissed. Just do it, I thought as I looked into his eyes. 

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