Chapter 26 "Dean learnt the secret!"

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Sunday 7:00 am.

(In School)

First Class was English Class

(In English Class)

Mr. Triple H entered the class and he had some big news for the class!

"I Have some big news for you! Officially our school was named the Best High School in America!! So today there will be no lessons and no classes!! It's an open day and we all gonna celebrate! Of course i would like to thank Paige and especial thanks to Seth who was so great on the conference and he just prepared himself for it just day before it!! Seth, You will be rewarded for this and Paige too!" Triple H said happily.

Seth was so happy and everybody congratulate him and Paige for representing the school greatly!

The students went to the Sports hall to have the party there. there were a lot of Food and Drinks and also music.

Paige was sitting with Cody having a drink and talking but they were interrupted by Dolph, Miz, Lana, Summer and Eva who sat with them and started talking. Paige wasn't happy with that!

Nikki and Alicia were sitting and having fun but Brie went to them and told Nikki that she want to talk to her alone so Nikki went with Brie to a quiet place away from the music.

"Nikki, I just have to admit to you! I am so upset that you are spending a lot of time with Alicia instead of spending it with me! I don't like her!!" Brie said sadly.

"Ohhh Brie!! I told you to come and join us! Talk with us and have fun with us. Why do you hate Alicia so much?! You haven't even talked to her...Try talking to her maybe you will like her." Nikki said and she took her sister and they sat with Alicia.

(On the Platform)

Mr. McMahon the Chairman of the school went on the Platform to say some words so everybody's attention went to the platform.

"Ladies and Gentleman today we celebrate a very important occasion! Today WWE High School was named the Best High School in the whole America!! And that wouldn't have happened without all of you, The students of the school. And i hope we keep being the best in everything!! I am here now to Honor those who were the reason why we are in the best school now, Those who represented us in the conference and i will start with one of the best teachers that have ever come to the school, the one and only English Teacher, MR. TRIPLE H" Mr. McMahon said.

Everybody clapped their hands to Mr. Triple H as he went up to the platform and and he was shaking hands with Mr. McMahon and took the mic.

"Thank you everybody It's really an honor! I am so happy that WWE High School was named the best because it's well deserved...And I would like to honor two students who made much more work than i did to make that school the best! First i would like to present to you Paige!" Triple H said.

Paige went up to the platform and Shake hands with Triple H and Mr. McMahon and all the students clapped their hands to her but while she was up in the platform she noticed that Cody wasn't among the Students who were clapping for her ,she saw him so busy with his new friends Dolph, Miz, Lana, Eva and Summer so she was so sad to see that he forgot about her!!

Triple H Continued his speech "Now I will introduce to you one of my favorite student in the school! He has been the first on the school since he was a young kid in grade 1! I Introduce to you Seth Rollins."

Seth went up to the platform and shake hands with Triple H and Mr. McMahon and all the student were clapping to him especially his friend Roman and Dean who made a lot of noise for Seth.

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