Chapter 34 "The Camping Trip 3/ Truth Or Dare"

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Thursday 4:45 PM

All the students finished their lunch and went to their tents to have some rest.

In Sasha and Nikki's tent:

Both of them entered the tent without talking. Sasha slept while Nikki stayed awake.

In Summer and Emma's tent:

Summer has got a lot of bags, Emma was wondering what is Summer is having in all those bags!

"Hey! My name is Emma? What is your name?" Emma said nicely.

"I am Summer Rae." Said Summer.

"Cool! I wanna ask you a question but I am a bit embarrassed." Emma said.

"Don't worry...Just ask." Summer said.

"What do you have in all those bags?!" Emma said.

"Well...Those 2 bags for my clothes, and this one is for my accessories.....and this one for my Make Up......and that is for other cosmetics." Summer said.

"Wow....Too many things. Can I check them?" Emma said.

"Of Course....But be careful those things are so expensive."Summer said.

In Alicia Fox and Renee Young's Tent:

Alicia was talkative, She kept talking and asking Renee about a lot of things and Renee didn't like that....She was so annoyed but couldn't tell Alicia to not hurt her so she acted like she is happy.

In Bayley and Brie's tent:

They were a little shy from each other as Brie was afraid of Bayley and also its the first time to stay with each others but by the time they got used to each others. Brie thought that Bayley is a mean girl because she is a friend to mean girls but she realized how kind and nice Bayley is!!

And In Charlotte and Paige....April and Becky....Lana and Eva's tents, everything was so normal and nothing happened as they went to sleep without talking.

In Dean and Cesaro's tent:

Dean was arranging his things but he stopped when he saw Cesaro starring at him.

"Why are you looking at me like this?!" Dean asked.

Cesaro didn't answered and kept starring at Dean with a smile on his face!!

Dean ignored Cesaro and went to sleep.

In Daniel and Ryback's tent:

"I am really happy to share my tent with you Ryback...Its a great opportunity for both of us to know each others more as we don't talk to each others in school." Daniel said.

"Thanks Daniel! I always liked you because you are known in the school for your kindness." Ryback said.

"And I always thought that you are not nice because you are in Brock's group!! But I think now I like you so are really kind and also thanks for letting me score a goal in the football match earlier." Daniel said.

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