Chapter 2

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John Cena POV

I got up early to prepare my bag for school tomorrow, and I want to call my friends. I want to start with Nikki and Brie, they are twins and live together, so I'll call Nikki instead of her sister. I called her and she answered me.

Me: hi Nikki, how is it going with you and Brie?

Nikki: oh hi John, we're fine and not because of school.

Me: I know, you don't have to tell me. Have you bought your books yet?

Nikki: of course yeah, but can we talk later? because my mother wants me to help"

Me: OK no problem, bye"

I then tried to call Sheamus but he didn't answer, I'm not angry about that. Then I called Daniel.

Daniel Brayn POV

School is coming tomorrow, I prepared myself very well, to be sure I didn't forget anything.

Then John called me.

John: hi Daniel, how is your day?

Me: I don't really know if I'm happy or sad about school!

John: oh my god Daniel, tell me you didn't just say that, you hate school?

Me: yes, oh I mean no.

John: anyway, have you called Sheamus, he didn't answer me.

Me: No and I'm not going to call him because I want to sleep

John: ok bye.

I went to sleep for school tomorrow.

Sheamus POV

I prepared myself for school. I don't like school very much but it's the only place I can see my friends.

The most boy I hate in school is Dolph Ziggler who call himself "Ziggy" so I decided to bother him on Twitter.

Me: hi Ziggy, are you ready for zero marks tomorrow? @heelZiggler

Ziggler: @Sheamus you are the reason I don't like school, and also your pale ugly face is another reason.

Me: I know you don't have the control to change your face into one like my Beautiful face. @heelZiggler .

Ziggler: No, that's not true @sheamus

Me: oh don't worry @HeelZiggler you look angry, you are also cute.

Ziggler: Im not going to answer you @Sheamus .

Me: OK, see you at school tomorrow, bye fella. @HeelZiggler

Now I have to go and sleep after preparing my bag.

Brie POV

Me and my sister are ready for school. Since we are twins and looks like each other as well. So we bought two similar bags with similar objects .

I called Daniel and John and they also prepared themselves and now they are sleeping.

Before I sleep, I was laying on the bed, thinking about school, I was good and better than Nikki, but also she is good. I'm excited to go to school.

So I slept and dreamed about school and Daniel was in the dream.

Now the rest of the class.

Brock lesnar POV

School is tomorrow! Who care about school. I'm gonna conquer all my school.

I am not gonna say





No this year I will conquer the students.

BigShow POV

The only reason why I hate school is my friend, Brock Lesnar, he always shout at me and sometimes he hits me. And the worst thing is that I can't take high marks, I can take it but if I take he will be so angry and I don't know what would he do with me. I will cry.

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