Chapter 77 "Breaking into a Concert"

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Wednesday 6:00 AM

"In Dean and Roman's house."

Roman woke up very early at 6 AM.

"Dean!! Dean!" Roman said waking Dean up.

"What?! What?!" Dean shouted while still closing his eyes.

"Get up you lazy boy!" Roman said.

"What time is it now?" Dean said getting up from bed.

"It's already 6 AM!" Roman said.

"WHAT!!! 6 AM?!" Dean said angrily because Roman woke up early.

"Calm Down! I couldn't sleep all night!" Roman said.

"It is not my problem!! Why waking me up early!" Dean said still angrily.

"I want to talk to someone!" Roman said.

"At 6 in the morning?!!" Dean said.

"I hate you Dean! Where are you Seth when I need you!" Roman said.

"Bla bla bla!! Go on now and tell me why you couldn't sleep before I go back to sleep." Dean said.

"Should I go and apologize to Mr. Rock again or should I go and apologize to Mr. Steve?" Roman said.

"That is the stupidest question on earth!!" Dean said and he was about to go back to sleep but Roman pulled him back to sit.

"Did you forget that all of that problems are because of you?" Roman said.

"What do you mean by that?! Ha?! You wanna tell me that I am the reason of your problms?!" Dean asked angrily.

"Yes! Yes Dean! And you don't even wanna help me! Because of you I made a problem with two teachers one of them is my uncle!!" Roman said angrily.

"Wow really!! So why did you allowed me to cheat from you since you don't like problm?" Dean said.

"Because you are my damned best friend!" Roman said angrily.

"Fine! You do whatever you want and I will do whatever you want.....and about Tyler! I will teach him a lesson tonight and you just stay away from me!" Dean said and he left the room.

and about Tyler! I will teach him a lesson tonight and you just stay away from me!" Dean said and he left the room

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Dean went to the kitchen to have breakfast while Roman was still in the room changing his clothes.

The telephone rang and Dean answered.

Dean: Hello!

Seth: Dean, It's me Seth!

Dean: Sethoo! Miss ya man!

Seth: I miss you too.....How you doing guys?

Dean: Not bad!

Seth: Is there a problem?

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