Chapter 68 "Seth Gives Up!!

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Sunday 7:00 am

"In AJ's House"

AJ's mother entered AJ's room and found him still sleeping so she opened the window to let the sun light into the room.

"AJ!! Wake up AJ! You are gonna be late to school!" AJ's mother shouted.

AJ pretended to be still sleeping as he didn't want to go to school.

"Come on AJ!! I know that you woke up!" She said.

"Ahhh yeah I am up but I feel so sick.....I have a strong headache and aaa.....and stomach and I don't think I will be able to go to school today!" AJ said pretending to be sick.

"Do you really think that this game will work?! Get up." She said.

"Today I don't have any important subjects at school so I will take the day off today!" AJ said still trying to escape.

"Quit it AJ because you will go!" She said so AJ got up angrily and dressed up.

At School:

"In English Class"

Mr. TripleH entered the class and while he was explaining the lesson, he noticed that Seth was sleeping.

"Seth!" TripleH shouted so Seth got up.

"Yes! Yes! I am up!" Seth said.

"After the class I want to talk to you." TripleH said while he looked not happy because Seth slept in his class.

After a while there was a knock on the door.
Mr. TripleH opened the door and it was AJ Styles who arrived late.

"AJ? Why are you so late?" Mr. TripleH asked.

"I am sorry Mr. TripleH!" AJ said so Mr. TripleH.

"Wait a second....What is that on your face?!" Mr. TripleH asked in surprise about the bruies on AJ's face.

"Nothing just a small accident." AJ said and Mr. TripleH allowed him to sit down.

While AJ was walking to his seat, he noticed that Sasha and her mean friends were looking at him and also Brock and his friends were looking at him and talking aside. AJ decided to ignore them.

The English Class ended and it was time for Chemistry Class.

After all the students left the class, Seth stayed with Mr. TripleH as Mr. TripleH wanted to talk to him.

"What's up with sleeping in classes?" Mr. TripleH asked.

"Mr. TripleH, You know well that I didn't mean it!" Seth said.

"So what is wrong! This is the first time I see you sleeping in the class." Mr. TripleH said.

"I am a little tired these days." Seth said.

"Lack of sleep?" Mr. TripleH asked.

"Yes I think." Seth said.

"Is it because of Dr. Shane's test?!" Mr. TripleH said.

"Yes......I have another solution with me today and I am gonna show it to Dr. Shane." Seth said.

"Nice! Good luck but I hope that you will have a good sleep and will not sleep in my classes again." Mr. TripleH said.

"I promise!" Seth said and went away.

"I promise!" Seth said and went away

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