Chapter 67 "Family Issue"

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Friday 5:50 AM

"In Seth, Dean and Roman's house"

It was still dark outside and still few hours till the sun start raising.

Seth was studiying and trying to solve Dr. Shane's test since he came back from school yesterday....he hasn't taken any rest and he looked so exhausted.

Dean and Roman were sleeping and Roman strated to wake up slowly as he felt that Seth was still up.

"Seth! Are you still up?" Roman said while being half awaken.

Seth didn't answer so Roman got out of his bed slowly and went to Seth.

"Seth, you look so haven't taken any rest since yesterday! Come on! Get up and have some sleep." Roman said.

"I can't sleep! I can't stop thinking about that stupid equation!! I need to get the answer!" Seth said.

"Well have some sleep now and then it's Friday! You can spend the whole day studying!" Roman said.

"I am a failure! I hate myself..." Seth said so disappointed and put his head on the desk.

"Come On!! You don't call yourself a failure just because you can't answer an equation." Roman said.

There was silence for some seconds.

"Look! The sun light is beginning to appear!" Roman said pointing to the window.

"I am feeling so bad!" Seth said disappointed.

"You should! I mean we both should feel bad because we are up at 6 in the morning on Friday!!" Roman said trying to joke with Seth.

Roman looked behind and found Dean deeply sleeping.

"Look at Deano!! Hahaha there is no chance in hell and no power on earth can wake him up at this time!!" Roman said and he laughed and Seth too began to laugh with him.

"Poor Dean, I really feel sorry for him after Tyler broke his leg yesterday with the football." Seth said.

"Don't worry! Dean will break Tyler's face when he sees him on Sunday!" Roman said.

After a while, Seth agreed to have some rest and he and Roman went to sleep.

Friday 9:30 AM

"In AJ Styles' house"

AJ woke up and went to have his breakfast with his mother.

While they were having breakfast, AJ's mother noticed a huge bruise on AJ's face near his right eye.

"AJ! What is that on your face?" The mother asked.

"Nothing!" AJ answered.

"AJ, I am asking you what is that? Did you have a fight at school yesterday?" She asked.

"Yes I did! Do you really care about that?" AJ said angrily.

"What do you mean?" The mother asked.

"All you care about is your new job. You arrived from your work late yesterday and you didn't even cared about asking about me or seeing me before you go to sleep!" AJ said.

"I am sorry AJ, I was tired yesterday." She said.

"Whatever." AJ said then they were silent for some seconds.

"So what happened and why did you have a fight at school!" She asked.

"You and your new job destroyed my life." AJ said angrily.

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