Chapter 27 "Brothers Break Up"

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(Last Chapter and during the school party, Randy and Seth were outside the party and they were talking about their plan of poisoning CM Punk. Dean heard their conversation by chance and now he learnt that Seth was the reason CM Punk is in the hospital. after Seth and Randy's conversation and after Randy went back to the party inside, Seth was about to go back into the party but Dean took Seth outside again and he has some words for him)

"Outside The Party"

"What were you doing here outside the party?" Dean asked with a serious look.

"Ahhhh, Nothing I just wanted to....I felt some headache from the noise inside and i decided to go out" Seth answered while he was worried from Dean's serious look.

"Were you talking to Randy?!" Dean asked.

"How did you know that?!" Seth said.

"I saw you!!" Dean answered.

"What? Are you watching me?" Seth said with an angry and worried voice.

"No! Why would I?! I was looking for you and i saw you by chance talking to him!" Dean answered.

"And what do you want now?" Seth asked.

"I want to tell you that i heard the conversation between you and Randy!! Every single word you said i heard it!" Dean said.

Seth was shocked to hear that and he couldn't answer Dean!

"What's up Seth?! Why did your face turned like this!! Are you shocked that i have just learnt the secret that you wanted to keep from me and Roman and from the whole school!! Why did you do that, Seth! Why did you plan with Randy to poison Punk!!!! I can't believe that YOU did that!!" Dean said angrily.

Seth was still silent and couldn't answer Dean.

"Why aren't you speaking to me?? Ha!!! Did you really tell Randy to poison Punk just to take his place in the conference??" Dean asked angrily and his voice started to rise.

"Yes! Yes Dean i did that!! Yes I paid Randy to poison Punk!! " Seth said with an angry voice.

"I can't believe that you are my friend!! You are not Seth that used to be my best friend and nearly more than my brother!! I thought you are smarter than planing such a plan!!" Dean said sadly.

"I am the smartest and i will always be!! and you do not ever blame me for what i did because i know i did the right thing!!" Seth said angrily.

"I am your friend and i should warn you when you make mistakes and...." Dean said but before he continue, Seth interrupted him.

"Save it Dean, save your advices for yourself because I am not in need to them!! I know well what i am doing and I know for sure that I don't need you!" Seth shouted at Dean angrily.

"You are totally out of your mind Seth so allow me to wake you up!!" Dean said and he suddenly slapped Seth and left him on the ground and entered the party again with a very angry look on his face.

Seth was lying on the ground because of Dean's slap to him. He was very angry and decided to take his revenge from Dean.

Dean went to sit with Roman and Roman realized that there was something wrong with Dean. He tried to talk to Dean but Dean didn't want to talk and he told Roman that he is feeling kinda sick and is gonna go to the bathroom to wash his face.

In the Bathroom, Dean washed his face and stand in front of the mirror thinking about what happened between him and Seth! he thought that he should have talked to him in a better way than slapping him!! after a while of thinking, Dean decided to go and apologize to Seth.

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