Chapter 17

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"Ladies and gentleman secure your seat belts we are about to take off" the pilot said over the intercom.

It is 6:45 a.m., Nick and I are on our way to Europe in a luxury jet. It surprised me when he said he owned the jet. I had thought it was a jet he rented just for the trip but no it was his own personal jet. Either the pilot was extremely good at his job or the jet itself was smooth because I barely could feel it move as we took off.

I was sitting on one of the cream colored couches thinking about this morning and how it went. Kamille had been very emotional about me leaving for so long even though I tried to assure her that I would be back before she knew it. She still cried. Even after I left I could still sense her sadness. Since she was a baby I could feel what she felt no matter the distance between us. But I only felt it if she strongly felt that way.

I was lost in thought when Nicklaus called me back to present.

"Are you okay. Why are you sad?" he is sitting in the other chair on the left side of me.

Because our daughter is at home sad because I'm going to be gone with you for a week.

But of course I couldn't say that. So instead of trying to find something to say I said nothing at all.

"Missing your boyfriend already" he said regularly but I could hear the slight edge in his voice.

I smiled to myself, "No, can't miss what you don't have"

"True. Why don't you have one?"

I plundered his question for a while before answering. Why don't I have one???

It's not like guys didn't find me unattractive or I haven't been on dates. I guess it's just cause I didn't want one nor found the need to have one.

I simply said, "don't want one"

He nodded his head and was about to say something else but his phone rang and he answered it with a sharp "Long".

It was a business call so I decided to not listen because it was uninteresting to me.

But what I did listen to was his voice, how much deeper it has gotten, that Texas accent I love so much, and how smooth he talks. I leaned my head back against the couch and closed my eyes.

His voice was doing things to my breathing and body that I couldn't control. I know he sensed the change in my body because I felt him look at me and his breathing slightly hitch. I still affect you. I thought smirking to myself.

I didn't open my eyes back even after he ended his call. He was still looking at me when I dozed off to sleep the last thing I heard was him whispering my name.


Nicklaus woke me 2 hours later to prep me for the business meeting. He went over what this client would be investing and how much. He told me about this deal and everything else I needed to know before we landed.

We will be going right to the meeting after we land. I listened carefully and took notes as well.

Even though I didn't need to I still like to.

The jet landed and we was off to the business meeting. While in the car we only talked of business and nothing else. I was glad of that.

I was in awe of the scenery on the way to building in which the meeting would take place.

"Europe is beautiful. You should see it at night" Nicklaus said

I nodded my head still looking out the window. Before I knew it we were at the building in the meeting.

It lasted almost an hour and we haven't gotten anywhere with closing the deal. The client was difficult with reasoning and negotiating the terms of the contract. Nicklaus grew taunt with frustration so he ended the meeting saying they will meet up again in 2 days to give the client time to think.

When we were in the car the tension in the air was thick. Nicklaus let out a frustrated growl and hit the stirring wheel.

I understood why he was upset, he likes his work to be done quickly with no problems or delays.

We pulled up to an at least 50 story hotel. It was beautiful.

"Are stuff should already be in our suite" he said getting out the car then coming around to open my door. He gave me a soft smile even though he was still very frustrated but he has cooled down a bit since we left.

He gestured for me to go in front of him and I did.

This is going to be a long week...

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