Nothing New

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Being new at school was normal for me. I mean I'm only 17 and I've probably been to like 50 schools throughout my school years.

But something about this school... this high school doesn't even feel like a regular school. First of all, it's mad small. Like a cottage house. I mean I didn't even know schools this small exist. Why don't we just call it a house where teenagers learn? Second of all, there are only 800 students. And they're all snobby, rich, "I want this daddy!" kind of kids. Yeah, might as well call it a mini rich private school as well.

"Okay Ms. Mahani, this is your class schedule. don't lose it," said the principal.

"Um okay, thanks," I took the sheet and headed to my homeroom which is room 124.

I walked in and let me just say that I have never seen so many white kids in my life. Is this Italy or something? Am I the only brown girl here? Back in my old school, I was known as Karina Kapoor. Don't even ask.

I took a seat and the other girls took their time to observe me from head to toe.

I was wearing a black headscarf, a white long sleeve shirt with a tight long black skirt. I added my Michael Kors black handbag. And to finish off my classy look I added red lipstick to my lips this morning.

Yeah that's right, Shelina the fashionista. I'm just loving myself today.Okay yes, i sound really conceited. But i guess its a good thing to love yourself, right?

"Shelina Mahani," the teacher called from the attendance sheet.

"Here," i raised my hand.

I heard some laughter behind me and some girl saying, "ew what kind of name is that? Mahani??"

Immature. I rolled my eyes.
They could make fun of me as much as they want.

i still love myself.

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