You Celebrate Eid?

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I swung back and forth as i scrolled down my feed on instagram.

I usually go on Instagram when im bored, but I end up getting more bored when I click the app. I'm not kidding.

instagram used to be the bomb, but now its so annoying and mad boring.

I heard someone sit on the swing next to me. When i turned to see who it was my heart dropped.

"Hey," said Adam, smiling at me. "Wanna have a competition?Let's see who can swing the highest."

I was staring at him with shock.

"Ready?" he asked. "I....2...3... GO!

He started swinging back and forth. Then when I came back to my senses, i used all my energy to swing higher than him.

Soon, i was swinging way higher than him.

"And SHelly is the WINNER! " he yelled.

As i slowed down and stopped swinging, i was happy but really confused. Was this the popular Adam that all the girls wanted? Was this the same jerk Heather warned me about?

"Hey, can i ask you something?" i asked him, knowing that the answer to this question would make things clear.

"Yeah," he said.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" i asked.

"No, of course not," he said. "Im not those kind of guys"

Those kind of guys?

"And speaking of which," he continued. "If my mom saw me here talking to you, im pretty much dead meat." He laughed.

Dead meat? Why? Was i THAT ugly? Or was it because i was wearing the headscarf?

"Why?" i asked.

He looked at me dumbfounded. "Because you're're a girl."

He was stuttering. Maybe it was because of my scarf.

"Is it because of my headscarf?" i asked, more harsher than i intended to.

"What?" he asked, looking confused.

"You said your mom would kill you if she saw you talking to me," i said, annoyed.

"Yeah, because if she saw me talking to you she would think you're my girlfriend," he explained, as if he were talking to a 2-year-old.

I was so ugly that he was ashamed to be mistaken as my boyfriend? Wow.

"Okay.. whatever," i said, upset.

", are you.." he tried to change the subject. "Are you excited for Eid?"


"Yeah i am," i said.

"Me too," he smiled.


"You celebrate Eid?"

"Of course, it's the best day of the year!" he said.

"Yeah, it is," staring at him with disbelief. What kind of Christian boy celebrates Eid?!

"Um, what time is it?" i asked trying to break the silence.

"6:30," he said. "We should go pray Asr, there's a Masjid a few blocks away from here. We could walk."


"You pray?!" i asked.

"Of course," he said. " i told you, im not those kind of Muslim guys. I pray 5 times a day."

"You're Muslim?!" i asked, shocked.

He rolled his eyes. "Duhhh"

"Why didn't you just tell me that before?!!!!!" i yelled, but i was so happy."I thought you were ChristIan this whole time!"

"Ohhhhh, that explains why you were acting so.... weird," he said.


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