One Thing

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"Okay, who would like to present their scene from Romeo and Juliet?" asked Mrs. Ruth.

Heather pushed her head against her forehead realizing it was too late for her Plan B.

I didn't dare turn to look at Adam. It was too embarrassing to present the balcony scene. Liking each other is one thing, but showing people we love each other is just weird, even if we are just acting.

"Shelina and Adam," Mrs. Ruth beamed. "Why dont you two start the fun?"

Everyone started chuckling and whistling.

Of course, why am i not surprised.

Mrs. Ruth was actually getting on my last nerve now.

It's pretty obvious she's purposely trying to put me in humiliation.

I got up and walked toward the front of the room. Adam gathered the props and tried to catch up with me. We both stood in front of a class filled with excitement of what would come next.

And at that moment, all of a sudden, Adam ran out of the room. I stood there, still as ice.

"Well! Why are you just standing there? Go get him!" yelled Mrs. Ruth. "I don't have time for nonsense."

"Um excuse me," I became angry. "he's just nervous, I don't understand why you're../"

"GO GET HIM!" she yelled as if she was in a huge rush to get this over with.

I felt the tears running to my eyes, I couldn't help it.

I barged out of the room as quickly as I could, but not to Adam, to the girls bathroom.

I started crying as if there was no tomorrow.

Someone knocked on the door frantically. Heather barged in.

"Hey aww don't cry girll," she said with the fakest voice I have ever heard in my entire life. "You see, this is why we shouldn't fall in love too fast, we end up facing embarrassment and heartbreaks and other sad stuff, and this is also why you shouldn't steal someone else's lover..."

"What?" I asked, wiping away me tears.

She put on a witchy smile, "You really thought Adam fell for you? And you're very naiive you gullilble New Yorkers, you people cant take hints," She rolled her green eyes.

"What do you mean? Can you please tell me what's going on? Please?" I said desperately.

Heather snickered, "Just remember one thing," she said. She came closer to me and whispered in a stern tone. " Adam. Is. Mine."

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