Out of Joy

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I sat on one of the swings and tried to relax a bit. It just didn't make sense. Why would Adam ignore me for a whole week? And Heather has been acting kind of different too. She just smiles and waits for me to talk. Normally I would do that to her. Everything became so weird. I just don't get it.

I swung back and forth a couple of times, then stopped. The pain inside me was finally ready to make it's way out. Tears ran down my cheeks and I kept wiping them away. I started to wish that Adam had never spoke to me in the first place.

"Hey," a deep voice said. I heard him walk towards me.

I didn't say anything. I immediately knew who it was.

"shelly? You okay?" asked Adam.

I still didnt respond. I kept looking down. The last thing I wanted was for him to see me cry.

He sat on his knees to look at me. Even though he was right in front of me, seeing me cry, I didn't dare look at his eyes.

"Did I say something? Shelly? If I did anything wrong, im sorry," he said in a sincere tone.

I finally looked up at him. "Did you say something? I wish you did. You make a girl feel special an then pretend you don't even know her? And you don't know what you did wrong? Heather was right, you are a jerk," I told him, finally letting it all out.

"Heather? That little idiot..." he started to say.

"Huh?" I asked, wiping away my tears.

"Okay forget her, listen...the reason ignored you was because I didn't want people to think anything was going on. I mean, I didn't want to give the wrong impression. Rumors start and spread fast at Starblue Academy. It's crazy. And I didn't want our reputation to be destroyed, you know?" he explained to me.

I totally got it. If people thought me and him were dating, rumors would spread. And if our parents heard that, we would be in big trouble.

"Well, you should have told me that before... I thought you were..." I started to say but then changed my mind

"What?" he asked.


"No tell me."

"No it's nothing."

"No please just tell me!"

"Okay fine!" I laughed. "I just thought you pretended you didn't know me because you were scared you'd start liking an ugly brown girl."

"Shelina," he said, saying my full name for the first time. "You are not ugly... you're beautiful. "

I laughed with relief. I didn't know what to say. I had no words.

He stood up, reached into his back pocket and took a red box out. Then he knelt down and looked at me with his beautiful greenish blue eyes.

"Shelina, will you marry me?" he asked as he opened to box that contained a beautiful diamond ring.

And at that moment I started to cry. But this time, out of joy.

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