Not The Best Day Ever

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"That's so great! I'm so happy right now!" I exclaimed.

"Why? Cuz im Muslim?" Adam laughed.

I blushed. Okay maybe I shouldn't show my excitement. But I cant help it. If he's Muslim, we can get married!!!! AND LIVE TOGETHER AND LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER! HOW COULD I NOT BE HAPPY?!

"Yeah," I said, softly.

"Yeah I mean, you're probably the only pretty Muslim girl that wears a hijab in our school," he said, casually.

Okay, I'm having trouble breathing here.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"Well let's go to the Masjid!" he said, getting off the swing.

After walking 1 block, a familiar lady came walking towards us. As she got closer, I realized it was Sister Zahra!

Adam went up to her and hugged her. Weird.

"Shelina, this is my mom," he introduced.

"Sister Zahra is your mom?" I asked. Wow, what else did I not know?!

Sister Zahra laughed. "Where were you? I didn't see you in class."

"Sorry, I forgot," I said, embarrassed. "I'll definitely come next week, inshAllah."

She smiled. "InshAllah."

"we're getting late," said Adam.

So all three of us walked to the Masjid, me next to Sister Zahra, Adam in front of us.

It all felt like a dream. Like who knew this would happen, Adam was Muslim and thinks im pretty?! That's a MIRACLE. I couldn't help but smile to myself.

After praying at the Masjid, we walked back to the park an said our good-byes. Adam turned to wink at me.

Let me just say... THIS WAS THE BEST DAY EVER.


"Shelina!" my mom yelled as she opened the door. "Where were you?!!!! I almost called 911!!!! You had me worried sick! No more going outside! You hear me?!!!"

Okay so maybe it wasn't the best day ever.

"And don't think that's it. You're going to help Mehreen do her science fair project," she continued.

"She's in kindergarten!" I cried.

"Yes, kids in kindergarten do projects," said my mom.

I spent the next 3 hours helping Mehreen research, write, and draw. The most "boringest" 3 hours of my life.

But while I helped her, I was mostly day-dreaming about Adam. HE CALLED ME PRETTY YAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYAY. Okay im done now. But think about all the possibilities. We can get married! And live together! Happily ever after! Yes, I know I know, im exaggerating and fantasizing WAY too much. But I mean hey, I thought he would never even acknowledge that I exist. And now we're good friends. Maybe more than just good friends. Maybe best friends. Or maybe husband/wife to bes. Fiances! Yes that's the word im looking for.

Adam is my fiancé.

Forever After?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora