Romeo and Juliet

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It was Tuesday and I still haven't seen Coconut. It feels like he disappeared.

"Well I must say, Heather and Shelina, you both did an excellent job!" said Mrs. Ruth.

We both said thank you as she handed our assignment with a pink post-it that read 97% Excellent Job.

Well I did not expect that. I mean I knew we did okay, but I didnt think it was that good.

"Wow, that's a surprise," I whispered to Heather.

"Yeah, good thing I added a few pages to it," she smiled.

She added what????

"Wait what?" I asked, shocked. "You wrote more? By yourself?"

"Well yeah, I mean our report was okay but it wasn't perfect. So I decided to write more on my own," she told me.

I felt a mix of emotions. Guilt and anger, kinda. Like guilty because she did all that extra work at home while I was watching TV. Angry cuz.. she could've told me, or called me. I made sure to give her my number at the park.

After 10 minutes of class, someone walked in. When I saw who it was, my heart did those stupid acrobats again.

"Adam, you're 10 minutes late! Are you okay?" asked Mrs. Ruth. Out of all the teachers I had, she was one of my favorites. Kind, caring, and concerned.

"Sorry, I was sick for a couple of days, I was at the office giving them my absent note, but um... I have my report," he smiled weakly.

"Oh you poor thing don't worry, just take a seat," she smiled at him apologetically.

He took a seat right next to me. My hands got all sweaty. This was not good at all.

"Can I borrow a pencil?" he turned to me. I did my best to respond normally. But of course when you try to act normally you end up acting like a weird monkey that doesn't know how to speak.

"Y-yeah, um wait, lemme check," I peeked inside my bag and the only pencil I had was one with no eraser and it was chewed up and disgusting and there is no way I was going to give that to Coconut. Wait, his name is Adam. Okay, yeah Adam. Just as I was about to give him my lead pencil he said, "Its okay, she gave me one," he pointed to a girl with blonde hair. The same girl that made fun of my last name. I glanced over at her and she gave me a smirk, like those smirks that make you boil on the inside.

"Okay everyone, we will now be presenting our book reports. Shelina, Heather, you two did an excellent job. Why don't you both present first?" asked Mrs. Ruth.

Heather got up and picked up the book report as she walked toward the front of the room, I quickly got up and followed her.

"Well in our book report we summarized every main event of Romeo and Juliet," Heather began. "The Montagues and the Capulets were 2 different families that hated each other..."

As she spoke I looked down at the floor. I didnt know what to do with my hands. They were just awkwardly by my sides. I didn't dare look up.

Heather gave me the paper and point to the section labeled, "The Balcony Scene."

I took a deep breath and tried to shake away the nervousness. "The Balcony Scene is one of the most famous scenes Shakespeare has ever written. It's extremely important to the story and it's where the love and romance officially start. Romeo and Juliet confess their love for one another..." when i said this Adam looked up at me. I swear. "um.. so..they confess and they plan to get married the next day, but in secret. Because if their parents find out, they're pretty much dead, since the Montagues and Capulets hate each other," I look at Heather who smiles and takes the paper from me. She starts talking about Friar Lawrence and how he helps them get married.

I scanned the classroom and saw the blonde girl giving me an evil look, checking me out. I rolled my eyes. I'm definitely not the type of girl that lets people treat me like shit. I pretended she wasn't there and turned my focus towards Heather. She was doing an amazing job, it's like she was born to speak in front of people.

"Well girls, you did excellent! And Shelina, i didn't expect that from you considering that you're new. You are a very confident and intelligent young lady," she said as she took off her reading glasses.

"Thank you," i said to her. I went back to my desk and Adam pulled out my chair for me.


"You did good, Shelly," he said as i sat down.

I tried to remain cool even though i was about to die out of happiness. "Thanks," i said and smiled. He already had a nickname for me, YAYYYYY.

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