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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey everyone! Sorry i haven't updated in the last 3 years, I've been super busy! But I'll try to update as much as I can from now on! :)


"What do you mean Adam is yours? I thought you called him a jerk! I thought you hated him," i said, as i wiped away my tears. 

"Listen, he loved me. Okay?" Heather said, walking toward the mirror to reapply her lipgloss.

 I was still very confused. "So you guys dated? Is that what you're saying?" 

Heather turned to look at me and then looked at my hand. "Um, who gave you that ring?"

"My... um...dad, for my...17th birthday," I stuttered. 

"Wow Shelina, you're horrible at lying. So Adam gave you a promise ring?"

I mentally kicked myself. Why did i even wear the ring to school? I literally wanted to just disappear at that moment. 

I decided to just walk out of the bathroom and pretend i didn't know her. I kept ignoring the voice inside me that says Heather is trying to plot something against me. I kept giving myself the excuse that she was the only friend i had. Which was true. But shes not being a true friend at all. I've never been in this situation in my entire life. I just wish i had someone else to talk to, someone who could give me some friendly advice without intending harm for me.  

As i entered the classroom,  i felt all the eyes piercing through me as i took my seat. My ears were burning hot and i felt my back sweating. Yes. Now I was truly suffering from anxiety. I've never had an anxiety attack before in my life. Okay maybe I'm exaggerating, but this probably has something to do with anxiety. 

But it wasn't that bad because two other students were performing the balcony scene with Mrs. Ruth smiling at them as they performed. i looked around the classroom and Adam was no where to be found. Where did he go? He just ran out and never came back. And is Heather still in the bathroom? Why isn't Mrs. Ruth concerned about them?! What kind of teacher is she? I remember in my old school everyone needed to take a bathroom pass to the bathroom and two people could never be out at the same time. The bathroom rules in my old school were legit. But over here it didn't seem to matter. Some weird high school to be honest. My head was aching now and my body felt sore from tension. 

The bell rang and everyone rushed to pack their things and leave. I rushed out the door but then i heard Mrs. Ruth's voice call after me. Why was I not surprised?

 "Shelina, listen, you need to tell me what's going on. I need to understand so that i can grade you wisely on your assignments. If there is any drama, you can trust me," Mrs. Ruth said, with an innocent smile.

 Wasn't she just yelling at me at the beginning of the period? She was just as fake as Heather. Or maybe everyone here was fake. Maybe even Adam. 

"No Mrs. Ruth, I'm fine thank you," I smiled weakly. 

Her eyes narrowed with suspicion and then she went back into the classroom. But something about her expression gave me chills throughout me body. It was as though she knew exactly what was going on. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2018 ⏰

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