Chapter 8 - Ain't Love Grand

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Chapter 8 - Ain't Love Grand

Scott sat at the table while Jari moved around the kitchen like someone who knew where everything was.  I quickly went to my room and changed into some dry clothing.  I was amazed to find that all my clothes seemed to fit me differently now and everything about me was more toned.  I pulled on an old pair of jeans and shirt and took Scott’s shirt back to him.

 “Sorry it is a little wet.” I lied, I wasn’t sorry.

“It’s fine,” he was looking uncomfortable but threw the shirt back on as soon as I gave it back.  The hint of a smile touched his lips then it was gone. 

I dropped into a chair at the table and was surprised when Scott slumped back into the chair opposite me.  I expected him to leave but he just sat there looking at the table top.

Jari was in the kitchen banging things around and talking non-stop about some foreign sounding place and I breathed a sigh.  At least he wasn’t elaborating on his sex life.  A couple of plates of what looked like scrambled eggs landed in front of us.

“Scott, I am apologising about Monday.  I did not know that... she was, how you say, spoken for.  She did not tell me she was with you.  Please forgive me.”

“And what about Laura and Ashley?” Scott shot back at him with some anger.

“I was only talking with them,” he smiled another sly grin, “But now, boyfriends garbage them, now they are single, they were free to make own decision.”

Scott glared at Jari.  I wasn’t sure if he understood exactly what Jari was saying.  Then he looked at me.  “Are you free to make your own decision too Natalie?  Are you ...?”

"No!” I sent Scott a hard look.  I had enough of his speculations.

“Natalie is good girl.” Jari interrupted as I opened my mouth to fire my fury at Scott.  “She is waiting for special man.  I respect that.  But she is beautiful woman I hope that special man does not take too long to make up mind.”

“Jari?  Shut up!”

“Scott, I am trying to teach Natalie ways in Europe.  We like to dance at what we say club.  Is there good club here?” Jari smiled at me, “Natalie she is very tight, needs to learn to relax, dancing is good for that.”

Scott’s jaw clenched,“You are not going to a Nightclub or doing any sort of dancing with him!”

“And why not?” the stubborn edge noticeable in my voice.

 Scott gave me a look which read ‘do I really need to spell it out for you!’

“I’ll take Geoff.”

Scott rolled his eyes, “Yeah a lot of good he would do.”

"Friday we all go then.  How you say – ‘the more the merrier’ Ya?”

“Are you taking Kirsty?” Scott looked at his plate.

“No, do not understand you western men and your women.  She too demanding.  She needs many repairs.  What is the expression?”

“High maintenance,” shocked that I said that I quickly glanced at Scott who was watching me with his brows furrowed.

Jari clicked his fingers and laughed, “Yes that is it – high maintenance - she is not luggage free, right?  I not see her again. Now I find others, there are many fishes in the pond, ya?  American Cheerleaders are very...”

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