Chapter 21 - Run, Run As Slow As You Can...

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CHAPTER 21 – Run, run, as slow as you can...

I stood nervously on the sports field in my shorts and singlet watching Scott and half the football team approaching.  That little voice inside me still couldn’t quite reconcile myself to this new situation.  But Scott’s eyes were on me and I was like a deer in the headlights.  His smile was infectious and too soon I was giddy, overcome with the new and foreign emotions. 

Scott held me as I nodded to his friends and they suspiciously acknowledged me.   Then he was gone, busy ensuring that his team were all where they should be when they should be.  I was pretty much left in on the grass with Carter, Dean, Alistair and some other girls. 

I doubted that I could feel any more uncomfortable or out of place than I did right now.  But at the same time every so often I would feel a wave of Scott’s emotions settle onto me as he glanced in my direction.  This made him happy. 

I sighed, since when did making him happy or anyone happy influence my actions?  What was happening to me?  Nobody?  Are you in there Nobody?  I wasn’t sure I knew this Natalie.  Nobody was an easier person to be.

 I felt a prickling sensation and turned to see Kirsty, Laura and Ashley glaring at me.  If looks could kill I would have an assortment of knives firmly wedged in my flesh and I would be drenched in gasoline with a lit match in my hand.  It certainly seemed like I was off the cheer teams Christmas card list.  Yaaaay, Team!

I tried to hide my laugh as I brought my attention back to the group I sat with.  For some reason I still felt the urge to make an effort to get to know his friends.  Damn, this whole Qaddis thing was obviously messing with my head.  Was this part of the process of waking up?  Was this part of forming the bond with Scott?  So many questions and, I looked over to where Jari was, only one egotistical, arrogant, and secretive guide.  Whoever gave Jari this job was seriously overrating his ability. 

I opened my mouth then closed it.  As much as I tried I just couldn’t think of anything to say to the plastic people who sat around me looking equally uncomfortable at me.  So instead I returned to combing the grass while they subversively, if that was possible, attempted to chat up the other girls in the group. 

Scott came to squat down to me on the grass and whispered into my hair, “I am running next, just so you know.  Wish me luck.” 

Then he kissed me on the lips right there in front of everyone.  He smiled at me skimming his hand over my blushing cheek.  His love warmed me and fell on me like an enveloping blanket, I smiled back at him.  Without looking I knew all eyes were on me.  Again I questioned where Nobody had gone.  This Natalie person was someone I was so unfamiliar with.  Even so as he held out his hand I automatically accepted it and we walked to the track together. 

As our fingers parted he left me with a worried grin. This was important to him and he was anxious.  If this didn’t work would he give up his dreams for me?  If he did would it make him bitter with regret? 

You can do it Scott, I pushed the encouragement to him and saw his head turn to me as he waited near the starting line.  He had heard.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jari untangled himself from his group of females and came to stand with me.  He slung his arm around my shoulders and with his face close to mine he spoke softly.

“This will not end well Natalie.  Better to stop it now than later.”

I closed my eyes and felt my shoulders tensing.  “Then what Jari, am I supposed to tell him that he can’t play football?  Hell, they have already started training for next year’s team.  He’s a senior next year and you know what it means to him.”  I watched Scott take his position on the starting line.

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