Chapter 18 - My Father Fell

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CHAPTER 18 - My Father Fell

I arrived home seconds before he did.  The motorbike was in the driveway.  We walked in the house together, wet, in our underwear and holding our clothing.

Jari took one look at us and ground his teeth, “I have so far to go! Give me strength!  You are the Watchers of the Third Watchtower, you can’t run around like that!  Hell!  What were you thinking?”

He closed his eyes and breathed out of his snarled teeth, “Look go have sex in the shower then I will talk to you.”

“Not going to happen Jari.” I said quietly. “Get used to it.  My sex life is the one thing you can’t touch.  I know it is going to drive you ape, but get used to it!” I smiled my sweetest most innocent smile then turned to Scott, “You can shower first.”

Scott laughed and kissed me, “He does seem intent on us doing the deed doesn’t he?  Why is that Jari?”

Jari just stood there his jaw flinching. 

“Hmm, no comment?  Maybe it is to lessen that Egregore guilt.  You couldn’t keep it in your pants so you can’t understand why anyone else can.  Well I think I just found a reason to abstain.  It will make you look like the weak man you are, won’t it Jari?” Scott then kissed me with lingering soft lips before leaving me with a fuming Jari.

Jari had helped himself to coffee and he now stood with his back to mr.  But I could see his muscles clenched.  I knew how close he was to lashing out at Scott and yet he didn’t.  Interesting.

With Jari scowling at the sink I turned back and watched Scott’s mostly naked figure heading for my shower, of all the things that had happened over the last week, Scott Cox becoming my boyfriend might not have been the most bizarre and I still couldn’t believe it.  I mean Scott Cox?  My enemy, the jock, the football captain, Scott Cox was devoted to me, in love with me.  Weird, just plain wierd.

I shook the smile off my face and turned back to the kitchen.  With Scott in the shower this gave me the perfect opportunity to get some answers out of Jari.

“So was it my father then?”

Jari was silent.  He looked out the kitchen window at the morning sun which was only just starting to peak over the trees.

“My mother never speaks to me so I doubt she will tell me.  Was my Father an Egregore then?”

“Yes.” Jari answer simply and didn’t turn back to me.

“What is exactly is an Egregore?”

Jari remained silent with his coffee.

“Jari, I have a right to know.  This is about my father.” I said with a firm voice.

“You could google it.” He breathed a laugh, “There is a lot of speculation about all these things.  There is much written on it.  Not much of what is written is right, but much written anyway.”

“Tell me.  You owe me that much.”

I watched his shoulders tighten. “Do I?  Maybe, maybe I do.  At the beginning of the time of man the Egregore were a tower, for the want of a better description, a unit of Angels sent down to protect and nurture.”

“Angels?  You are joking right? Hang on, no!  You said you weren’t an angel!”

“Nope.  That I am not.  Not anymore.  The creator took it quite badly when we loved the human women.” He laughed a defeated laugh, “Hardly fair really, given.  But he decided that we had failed in our mandate and he cast us down, ripping our feathers off us and disowning us for doing something that was so beautiful and so natural.  I still don’t understand it.  But there you go, we are now fallen.  We are condemned and universally seen as evil, and all for loving his greatest creation, woman.  It sucks really.” His shoulders shrugged just enough for me to catch the movement.

The Watchers WakeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora