Chapter 17 - Watchers and Watchtowers

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CHAPTER 17 - Watchers and Watchtowers

“OK times up,” came the voice through the door, “So unless you are consummating  your love for each other in there, which given the lack of moans, groans and squeaking mattress I suspect not, then it is time you got your butts out here and we got this show on the road.”

I rolled my eyes, “Is that drill sergeant Jari?”

“If you want to avoid him I am happy with the alternative he is suggesting!” Scott laughed.

“Get up,” I blushed as I saw Scott’s smile, “Actually wrong choice of words, out of bed!” Both Jari and Scott were laughing at me now and I opened the door and shook my head at them both.

Jari drapped his arm around Scott’s shoulders, “You are a patient man Scott.  Tell me have you tried buying her flowers, I have heard that helps when they need a little encouragement.” Scott shrugged off Jari’s arm and glared at him.

“Enough, Jari!” I looked at him, “I’m standing right here you know?”

“Look, I have never needed it but I have heard that foreplay helps... Maybe you should give it a go?”

“That’s it Jari, you can stay out of my sex life!”

“That implies you have a sex life Natalie.” Jari laughed, “I tell you what, when you get a sex life then I might stay out of it, until that time... it’s up for grabs!” he laughed as he tried to grab me.  I just backhanded his rude gestures away.


“Actually I know who my Father is.  It is my mother that is questionable.  I am not sure if there is a human insult for that one.” He was suddenly serious as he dropped his eyes from me.

“What are you Jari?” I asked half jokingly as he seemed to be implying something.

Jari slung himself up to sit on the kitchen bench.  His long legs dangled down and his hands gripped the bench top giving the impression he had a great weight on his shoulders.

“I am Egregore, but that isn’t the point.  The point is what are you?” He looked at us both careful as he chose his words and watched our reactions.  “You are both Watchers which was the role the Egregore did.  But now the Nephilim do it.”  He waited and watched like he was waiting for something or expecting some sort of reaction in us.

“Explain Jari?” I said when I could no longer stand the silence.

“I hate this bit.  That’s why I put it off and why I will only tell you once.  So listen closely, OK?” He took a deep breath then started to speak quickly as if the words caused him pain.  “Originally the Egregore were sent to earth to teach and guard the portals.  But we had a weakness for flesh.”

I opened my mouth to speak but Jari didn’t pause.

“You might have noticed.  We like women.  This didn’t fit with our job description so, we pretty much got the sack.” He laughed, “I love that euphemism!  It’s so very apt." 

"Now we only get to come back to teach the Nephilim to do the job.  The Nephilim are our children, Egregore and human offspring.  As the Qaddis and...”

“What?  Are you trying to tell us that you aren’t human?  That our parents aren’t...?”

“Qaddis let’s not get distracted,” Jari interrupted quickly. “You two have the Qaddis and Irin titles, which require you to govern a Watchtower.  This is not a physical tower, before you ask, it is the term that is associated with the portal and those who look after it.”

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