Chapter 13 - Clubbing

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CHAPTER 13 - Clubbing

“OK so I eat my words, you are the most stubborn pair.” Jari draped an arm around me and led me back into the house.  “His heart is yours Natalie.  He will be back.  He can’t leave you.  You can’t be apart.  He is in love with you.”

“I am sorry Jari but I don’t think he agrees with you.  I hope you have a backup plan because this doesn’t seem to be working.”

Jari just laughed.  He handed me the boutique bags.  “Don’t worry.  You worry too much.  Get dressed we have school to get too.”

 Wearing the jeans and tight shirt, I climbed on the back of the Motorbike.  Then I spent all morning walking around in a daze fighting against the tears that desperately wanted to flood out of my eyes.  I found him at his locker.  His hair was a mess, his shirt was dirty and he was missing his jacket.  His face and his appearance reflected his emotions. 

I stood there, alone in the middle of the crowded hallway.  His steel coloured eyes found mine, they were cold and hard.  Then he turned and walked away from me before I could say anything to him.

Even though he didn’t say a word to me I could still feel everything he wanted to say.  I could feel his anger and his pain.  His hurt burnt away at the desire he felt when he looked at me. He hated me.

Later I felt his eyes find me.  I tried to meet them but he was gone before I could connect with him.  Still I felt the conflicting emotions in him.  I wanted to go to him.  I wanted to be with him.  But he didn’t want that.  Not now.

I had no way to prove my innocence.  And even if I did he obviously didn’t trust me.  Not exactly the best way to start a relationship.  We were doomed from the start, as expected.

I sat at my usual place at lunch and watched as Kirsty resumed her place at Scott’s side.  He didn’t look at me and he didn’t look at her.  He just stared at the table, his face creased in a pained frown.

“Nobody, you are on drugs aren’t you?” Geoff looked at me carefully.  “I mean look at you, what are you wearing?  There is a rumour around about you and Scott Cox too.  Please tell me what you have done with Nobody, I want her back!”

“Sorry Geoff, looks like you are stuck with me as is.” I said glumly.

“So, you and Scott?” His eyebrow rose in anticipation.

“We went to dinner Geoff, not that exciting really.” I didn’t want to deny it.

“You went. On a date.  With Scott Cox.  And you fail to see that as exciting?” Geoff was looking at me like I was wearing a straight jacket and had my hair teased to an electrocution height.

“I like him Geoff, he’s not who I thought he was.  He’s actually a nice guy.” The fake wood grain patterns on the tabletop suddenly became very interesting.

“A nice guy?  That settles it!  Space aliens have abducted my best friend!”

“Space Aliens?” questioned Jari as he sat down.

“Geoff is questioning my authenticity; he thinks I am an evil clone.” I barely raised my head up from the study of the laminate.

“Close, but no cigar!” laughed Jari.  “I was thinking that we should throw a party.”

“No!” Now I looked at Jari, I looked at him like he was the crazy one.

“Come on Natalie, when was the last time you threw a party?” He slumped into the chair next to me his tight black shirt showing his chest definition. 

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