Chapter 15 - Sidulous

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Chapter 15 - Sidulous

I woke to warmth.  There was hot enveloping warmth pressing against my back.  I was lying on my side with my legs tucked into and my arms crossed over my chest. 

I groaned.  I hurt.  All my muscles ached. 

I twisted and turned into the source of warmth.  It was then that I realised that it emanated from another body.  I opened my eyes and found Scott looking at me.  My chest was now pressed against his chest and we were in my bed.  I blushed.

 “You are still here?” 

He didn’t answer he just looked at me with his serious eyes. Then he frowned.

“What have you done to me?” his voice blunt and his eyes probing mine as if looking for some truth.

I looked at him confused.  “I don’t understand?”

“Did you infect me with something?  Bitten me or change me somehow?  What is this Irin?  Why did you do this to me Natalie?”

“Me?  I haven’t done anything to you.  Talk to Jari, before Jari turned up I was perfectly normal too.” I pushed away from him, “Hang on, you said you have been dreaming about me for years, was that a lie?”

“No of course not.  I have been...” he stopped, frowned and I could feel the waves of chagrin as I watched his face crumble.

“You have been what Scott?” I whispered my eyes held his as my arms gently wound around him.

“I have been in love with you for years Natalie.” He said very quietly.

He dropped his head and scrunched up his eyes in pain.  With one finger under his chin I lifted his face back to mine and I kissed him.  Without saying anything, I let my lips tell him everything I couldn’t.  We moved together as we gave in to the desires.  Our hands urging, our skin tight and our legs, arms and tongues entwined. 

I pulled my lips away from him. Our foreheads rested together but I eased my hips away from his. I could feel his disappointment.

“But you don’t… you don’t love me, do you Natalie?” He forehead creased and his voice sounded slightly raw as I felt his shoulder muscles clench.

“Scott, we can’t feel that way.  I don’t understand this Qaddis -Irin thing anymore than you do.  But Jari came to me first.  If it turns out to be something bad I want you to walk away.  I don’t want you to get involved.  If we get any closer I don’t know maybe you won’t be able to. I want you to have that choice.  I don’t have the choice but I think you still might.”

He kissed me again.  “I can’t walk away from you.  I tried and the pain was excruciating.  I can’t be without you.  That’s why I asked what you infected me with.  Ever since I first kissed you I can breathe, I can’t think and I can’t do anything.  I just want you.  I hear you, I feel you, and I dream about you all the time Natalie.  It’s like you have become a part of me.”

“It’s the same for me too.” I reached up and cupped his face running my fingertips over his soft stubble.  “Thursday night?  Did you…umm dream?” I blushed wondering if he would understand my question.

“Yes Thursday night was quite a night, for you too then?” He lips curled into a smile as he trailed his fingers down my back and I wound mine through his hair, as we had done to each other in the dream. “I woke exhausted and knew that no matter what I couldn’t let you go. After so many years of denial I couldn’t let you slip through my fingers now. I would suffer any humiliation for you.  I will fight for you because I love you Natalie.”

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