Chapter 9 - Olive Branch

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CHAPTER 9 - Olive Branch

I wandered around the rest of the morning in a sort of a daze.  What the hell was I going to do?  This wasn’t right.  I couldn’t even think about how this would work.  Jari said he felt something, which seemed to be indicated by his need to protect me from Jari, ohh yeah and then there were those kisses.  But Jari also said he wouldn’t understand it what he was feeling. 

I had to win him, Jari had said.  Like hell!  How the hell was I supposed to win Scott Cox?  I mean – Scott Cox!  I’d have more luck winning lottery.  We were so far removed from each other I was surprised we lived on the same planet.  So how exactly was I supposed to bridge the gap between us?  Did I even want this?

 Jari was right about something.  The draw I felt towards him was getting stronger.  I could feel when he was close.  Even in the crowded Cafeteria I knew exactly where he was at all times.  As I sat at my table I glanced in his direction and saw him arguing with Carter, Dean and Alistair.  They suddenly stared at me and Scott seemed to be trying to stop whatever they were doing.  I felt his frustration and... fear.

The three moved to my table with Scott following.

“So Nobody,” Dean scowled at me, “We should have known that it was you who imported this leech.”

Scott was standing behind them looking uncomfortable.  I almost said something derogatory but I held my tongue.  To insult Dean would be to insult Scott too and I couldn’t do that.  More to the point nothing in me wanted to do that.  I closed my eyes for a second as I dealt with the bizarre feelings of protectiveness I felt towards him. 

“What is your point Dean?” I asked in a tired voice as I opened my eyes to look blankly at him.

Dean’s perfect olive complexion dropped slightly and his eyes flickered with uncertainty.  He quicky looked to his companions before he asked almost calmly, “Did you purposely bring him here to steal our girlfriends Nobody?”

I breathed a soft laugh, “I don’t have that power Dean, and despite what you think I am not that shallow.  Your girlfriends have their own free will.  And for the record I didn’t ask for Jared either.  He was something my mother arranged.”

They all looked at me shocked.  Even Geoff was looking at me confused.

“I told you,” I heard Scott mutter impatiently as he pulled them away. He gave me a sorry frown/shrug as the group moved off.

“What was that all about?” Geoff looked at me.

“I don’t know they must have thought that I orchestrated this.”

 “Not them, you!  You are on drugs, aren’t you Nobody?”


“Any other day you would have had them for Breakfast.  Gees Nobody, you were all sweetness and niceness with them, what are you taking?”

“Geoff, please!  Give me a little credit for having a brain!” I hissed through my teeth.  “I am not on drugs, OK!  It’s having Jari around, he is doing my head in.  He’s like nothing I know, he’s different.”

“You are not falling for him are you?”

“No!  He’s like Don Juan without the romance and sword fighting and... well, as for his nocturnal activities, let’s just not go there.  But there is something about him.  I can’t explain it.  But he certainly has a different outlook on life.  Maybe I am too serious.”

“That’s my girl!” Jari’s heavily accented voice said from behind us. “You are needing to enjoy more of life Natalie.  Is she not?” He nodded his head to Geoff. “We go out and dance, you will let you hair go wild and then you see that life is fun, yes?”

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