Chapter 11 - Dinner Date

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CHAPTER 11 - Dinner Date

So I just took the bag he offered, which held the dress, and went and changed. Before I left the restroom I caught my reflection and stopped.  I stared at myself for just that little too long.   This was my first ‘date’, although I wasn’t really sure it was even that.  But technically it was the first time I had been asked anywhere by a guy who wasn’t Geoff.  Well other than Jari and I would hardly call his invitation a date. 

I looked at myself again.  I really should make an effort, right?  I let my hair down and messed it around a little so it hung around my face and spilled over my shoulders.  That was different.  I had no makeup so that would have to do.

Scott was waiting as I came out, he gently parted my hair as he silently zipped the dress all the way up again trailing his fingers up my naked back as he did.

I turned and smiled at him, “The shoes don’t really go.”  My laugh was a little shaky as I pointed at my running shoes that I wore everywhere.

He laughed a short laugh, “Do you want me to buy you some stilettos?”

“I am fairly sure that I would break my neck wearing stilettos.  Where are we going anyway?” I whispered back.

“Hmm, can’t have you breaking your neck.  My car is parked this way.” 

I followed him feeling uncomfortable and more than a little nervous as he led me out to the car park. I was looking at my feet and wondering if a side effect of the Qaddis thing was a softening of the brain tissues, when I ran straight into a wall.  I would have fallen backwards but this wall had strong arms that caught me and held me to the hard warm surface.  I looked up in surprise into the eyes of my dream man.  They were serious and alive with desire.  He spun me and suddenly I was against the side of the car with him leaning into me as his lips trailed kisses up my neck.

“Stop, please don’t Scott,” I stuttered in a breathy voice.

“Do you really hate me?  Please tell me.  I need to know.” He lifted his face to mine.  I could feel how vulnerable he felt at that moment as he waited for my answer.

“Scott, what are we doing?  I don’t understand this?” I waved my hand between us, “I don’t hate you.  I just don’t understand why you want to kiss me?   None of this makes sense, you said all those horrible things to me and then you kissed me?  Why did you kissed me like that? Why are you kissing me now?”  OK so this Irin thing I still wasn’t convinced about.  I had to know why he thought this was happening – bet, dare, practical joke, alcohol induced, temporary insanity on his part?

“I can’t explain it.  I have this feeling that I need to protect you.   I don’t trust Jari.  I feel a strong need to protect you from him.  I know you don’t like me but I feel, well I feel a strong desire to save you from him.”

“The need to protect me? A strong desire to save me?  Is that what this is all about?”  Well that did confirm what Jari was saying but I couldn’t disguise the disappointment I felt.

He shifted his weight as he leaned in again pushing me up against the car again.  “That’s not the only strong desire I have.” His lips hovered over mine as he spoke and I could hear the smile in his words.

“Don’t kiss me, please don’t, just don’t.   You have no right...” I wasn’t ready for this I couldn’t do this yet.  It was just too much too soon. 

His finger nudged my face to his so our nose touched.  I looked into his smouldering eyes and as much as I wanted to resist, before I knew it I was kissing him, pushing into him, kneading my fingers through his hair and kissing him with every ounce of untapped desire I had. 

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