The White Guide

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The Watchers Wake is continued in....

The White Guide

Book 2 - The Eyes Of Night Series

Natalie and Scott are on probation.  The Council of Archangels gave them three months to prove themselves worthy of the Watchers title.  But with Archangel Gabriel as their white guide and guardian, they are struggling.  After growing up with absentee parents they are finding Gabriel’s Victorian approach restrictive. Then there is Jari and Adam who still stubbornly linger in their lives, causing more trouble than they are worth. 

School becomes their only retreat.  With the end of the academic year looming all their friends are concerned with exams and making plans for the summer holidays.  But not for Natalie, things aren’t that simple for Natalie.  Sure she has work to catch up on, but more to the point she is the Qaddis.  Being a Watcher is more complicated than she thought.  It takes priority over everything and at seventeen this is a heavy responsibility.  It seems that every time they are needed, it clashes with some school or social event.  This has Natalie wondering if this is a coincidence or something more sinister, especially given the unusual events occurring within the third watchtower.

Everything is a mess even her love life.  Things haven’t been bliss for the Irin and Qaddis.  They might be living together but under Gabriel’s supervision this means something all together different.  This is hard on Scott and since the wake he is distant and moody which is affecting their Eyes of Night.  To make matters worse, the entire school still believes that they are getting married despite being told otherwise.

Can they satisfy the council?  What will happen if they fail?  Will she and Scott’s relationship survive under all these challenges?  Will they regain their Eyes Of Night and truly become the Watchers of The Third Tower?

Read The White Guide to find out.

---===  Authors Note ===---

Thanks for your support and for reading The Watchers Wake.  I really hope you enjoyed it!

I am going to do a major rewrite/edit of this book.  Then I will write The White Guide.  So it might be a while between them.

If you are interested in continuing to read this series please become a fan.  I will message my fans when and where the next book will be available as soon as I know. 


Maree (aka CompulsiveWriter)

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