Chapter 36 - Don't Say a Word

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CHAPTER 36 - Don't Say a Word

Light.  Warm sunlight pushed its way through my eyelids.  I rolled hide my face but the damage was done.  I was awake. 

My eyelids fluttered open and I found myself staring into a pillow.  Confused I tried to remember where I was and how I got there.  It was obvious that I was in bed and from the colour of the linen I was guessing that it was Scott’s bed.  I couldn’t remember going to sleep.  I couldn’t remember getting off the boat.   

The boat...  The darkness... The voices...

What happened? 

I closed my eyes and tried to guess what it all meant.

Too hard, too early, I would deal with that later.

Instead I stretched out, and turned to the open my eyes at the ceiling.  I was alone. 

Scott?  Where was Scott? This was not good.  Had I presume too much?  Scott was breathing in the boat, right?  Was he alright?

Well I wouldn’t say alright – I have a dangerous deficiency of kisses.

All my anxieties left me and I felt a smile forming on my lips. 

That sounds serious.  What’s the treatment?

Lots of Bed rest and massaging of the lips, it works best with another set of lips.  Let me demonstrate.  Scott smiled at me as he slid into bed next to me and kissed me with gentle slow kisses. 

I relaxed into his kisses and his soft words of love.  We were home. 

“Hey? Can we come in?” It was Aze, “Are you in-decent?”

“If we were would that stop you?” I laughed back.

“It was the right thing to ask,” Aze opened the door and came and sat on the bed.  Scott didn’t release me from his arms even when Adam came in and leaned against the wall.

“How are you, Angel? You had us all worried you know.” His forehead crinkled as his eyes reflected his emotions from in the boat.  “Don’t do that again, hey?  We need to train you before you go off attempting something like that.  You do know how close we came to loosing you both?  Hell, if Jari hadn’t been there, if he wasn’t able to do it... I don’t even want to think about it.” 

“What happened?”

Aze eyes flicked towards Adam who didn’t look up from his inspection of the carpet at his feet.  Then he looked out the doors and into the sunlight.

“We need to get moving on this training.”

“Yes, please.  They were torturing Jari this morning Aze.  I can’t listen to that.  I can’t do this.  I need to get him out.”

“I know Angel, I know.  Please be patient.  If we go in there when we aren’t ready then we stand to lose you two and we can’t risk that.  Jari is strong, he knew what he was signing up for.  He will endure.”

“So where are we hiding tonight?  Please don’t say the boat.”

“Given what happened last night they will think that you are an Egregore, they are the only ones who can cast the light.   So I think they will sit back, lick their wounds and wait.  From their point of view, they will think that you can’t be the Qaddis because you are Egregore and Scott is still not fully awake so they can pick him off later when we are distracted by something other than this.”

“But to be safe, tonight we have somewhere where they won’t come and will give us some space to do some training too, if you are strong enough.”  Aze then smiled at my bare shoulders exposed from under the bed clothes, “Your clothes arrived as well.  So you don’t have to walk around half naked anymore.” His lips then curled into a cheeky smile, “Although the lingerie selection Samy picked out is very nice, so feel free to model your entire new wardrobe for us?”

The Watchers WakeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora