Chapter 32 - A Spot of Fishing

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CHAPTER 32 - A Spot of Fishing

“What now?”

“Daddy dearest, will let us know.” Aze kissed my hair.

“Can I cut in?” Scott asked.

I loosen my hold over Aze and I felt Aze start to make a witty reply back but it never came because I dropped to the floor, Scott half caught my fall but also struggled as he did.

Jari was screaming in pain.  He had been quiet beforehand but now his pain was too much.  I had blocked out the boys and I had missed noticing that Jari was hurting.  So both Adam and Scott felt his agony. 

Scott wrapped his arms around me and rocked me on the floor as I let my tears of helpless despair roll down my face.   

Through my misery and Jari’s groans I heard Adam softly grump, “I can’t believe I am doing this.”

 Then in his slighty gravelly voice Adam started to sing into my mind.

And I would do anything for love,

I'd run right into hell and back,

I would do anything for love,

I'll never lie to you and that's a fact.

Adam’s voice held so much emotion as he sang each word clearly.  I felt Scott’s arms tighten around me as he also listened.

But I'll never forget the way you feel right now

- Oh no - no way - And I would do anything for love,

But I won't do that, No I won't do that,

I heard Jari breathe a pained grunting chuckle and then through his torment his whispered voice blended with Adam’s.  

And some days it don't come easy,

And some days it don't come hard

Some days it don't come at all,

And these are the days that never end.

As Jari sung his voice broke when the pain became too much but he didn’t stop.

And maybe I'm crazy, Oh it's crazy and it's true,

I know you can save me, no one else can save me now but you.

As long as the planets are turning,

As long as the stars are burning,

As long as your dreams are coming true - You better believe it! –

Slowly his voice strengthen until he was singing as loudly as Adam.

I would do anything for love,

Anything you've been dreaming of,

But I just won't do that...

Although I knew the words something stopped me from joining in.  There was something about the way they sung this that told me this song was more than just a song.   It represented something to them both.

And some days I pray for Silence,

And some days I pray for Soul,

Some days I just pray to the God of Sex and Drums and Rock 'N' Roll.

I laughed despite the tears as they both let loose and they both started to lose themselves in the song.

And Maybe I'm lonely, that's all I'm qualified to be,

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