Chapter 14 - The Depths

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CHAPTER 14 - The Depths

We stood waist deep in the inky black water.  I had Scott wrapped around me and the Qaddis part of my brain was in heaven.  The Nobody part of brain was slowly and reluctantly admitting defeat.  I wanted Scott.  I wanted him in a way that went against everything Nobody stood for. 

As we kissed each other in a wordless apology, his warm skin caused my skin to tingle with anticipation and my heart to beat itself right out of my chest.  For some reason it felt so right to be wrapped up in him to be finally accepting what we had.  My fingers tangled in his hair as his arm drew my hips into his.  Despite the cold water that surrounded us I felt his hard desire pressed against me.  A small groan escaped me as his hand slipped lower and gently squeezed.  His other hand began to diligently worked the lace on my bra.

So I might have been a little distracted but some small part of my brain did register the current that softly washed against our bodies.  But it meant very little to me.  After all what was the worst that it could be?  We were alone and the lake was deserted.

“Natalie, please be mine.  I need you,” Scott murmured as his lips travelled down my neck to my collar bones.

 My eyes were closed as I drowned in a flood of emotions.  Even so I might have felt the soft ribbon like touch to my ankle.  Something in the back of my mind screamed at me.  I felt some part of me urging me away.  I should have reacted to it but again I passed it off as nothing.  Scott and I were finally together and I didn’t want to jeopardise that with my insanity.

So I was totally relaxed in Scott arms oblivious to all when it happened. 

One minute I was entwined with Scott as he whispered the words and gave me sufficient evidence to prove his love for me, the next I was yanked from his grasp.  The cord around my ankle cut deeply as it suddenly tightened and ripped upwards and outwards taking my leg with it.  I felt Scott’s hands instinctively grab me and dig deep into my skin but the line around my leg was stronger and faster.  Scott’s fingers dragged across my skin and then he was gone.

The water was cold and black it raced over me as I flailed around.  Confused and in shock I finally realised that I was being pulled through the water backwards and downwards, spinning as something towed at great speed.  It happened so suddenly but now, well now I was angry.  This unknown thing had taken me away from Scott just when I had just got him back and I would not stand for that. 

Attached to my ankles I could now feel strong vine-like tentacles.  As the water rushed over me and the pressure of the water above me pushed down, I found something inside me that I didn’t know existed.  I opened myself to the strength and the fire that burnt within me.  Then I fought, I thrashed and I kicked out against the hold that was dragging me to the bottom of the lake. 

Suddenly the pulling stopped the water cleared and despite the gloomy watery darkness surrounding me I could see.  I stopped fighting for a minute as I tried to understand what I was seeing.  OK so my vision wasn’t right.  The water was pitch black and yet colours and shapes stood out.  It wasn’t like seeing something in the daylight.  It was different.  I couldn’t explain what I was seeing.  It just felt weird and surreal.

Not only could I see in a way that made no logical sense, but it didn’t help that what I was looking at was also completely illogical.  Attached to the tentacles was a creature.  It was hideous.  The tentacles came out the side of its large oval flattish head, which was all I could see as it looked at me. 

Time stood still for a moment as the creature and I just floated there suspended underwater watching each other.  Its scaly skin was almost goldfish orange but it looked like no goldfish I had ever seen.  It had huge dull glowing eyes and a mouth jammed full of massive long sharp needle like teeth.   The tentacles splayed out like Medusa’s hair and as I watched the light in its eyes changed.  It was thinking.  It was intelligent.  And it had me. 

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