Chapter 19 - A Mongoose, Seriously?

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CHAPTER 19 - A Mongoose, Seriously?

“Ahh so now you can see me Qaddis.”  He, it, the creature still sounded just like Geoff, which was sort of freaky.  “No disrespect but I am going to call you IQ, you know like Irin and Qaddis – IQ - it’s just easier OK?  I am an earth bound spirit, I have been called a poltergeist but Hollywood tainted that term.  And before you start with the whole ‘They’re here’ thing, I have heard it all before.” He sort of growled which was quite comical, “So, I take the form of an extremely clever mongoose.”

“A clever mongoose?” I couldn’t help the snort of laughter, “Of all things, you chose to be a mongoose?”

The mongoose creature, Gef, raised an eyebrow or that bit above his left eye where an eyebrow would have been, “Yes, I did.  Come on Nobody, ohh, sorry Q, you of all people should appreciate this form.  A mongoose will always kill the snake!  Right Jari!” then he almost fell off his chair with laughter. 

Jari scowled at him and then I got it.  Snake, the symbol of Satan, had been the one to tempt Eve with the apple in the garden of Eden.  OK, yes that was Geoff.  That was his own brand of humour!

“Have you always been Gef?” Scott asked when Gef had contained his laughter.  But I noticed that Scott was looking a little pale.

“Yes for as long as I can remember,” He clearly thought this funny then he straightened up and answered more seriously, “I have been looking after Natalie since she was...”

“And Fremd look like us?” Scott interrupted and looked at Jari and I felt his fear. “Geoff looked like us but he wasn’t.  Why did he look like us?  Who else is a Fremd?”

“What is wrong Scott?” I asked aloud.

“Scott is thinking about his dating history, I expect.” Jari laughed cruelly.  “Scott your ex-girlfriends might behave like green eyed sardonic beasts but they weren’t Fremd.  The non humanoid Fremd like Gef shy away from physical contact with humans, so they tend to be loners and try to make themselves less attractive to humans.  They are all a little nerdy.  There are still Fremd amongst your friends Scott but they aren’t supposed to get that close, if you know what I mean.”

“But it doesn’t stop you Jari.”

“Yeah that’s because I’m pretty much a lost cause. I broke all the rules before they were even made so I am already damned, and I am not really a Fremd.  The Fremd come front the realms through the portals.  So if they want to stay here they have to play nice, be good and follow the rules and that includes staying away from Human and Nephilim.  And making sure they do is part of your job.”

“And speaking of jobs to do we have work to do today and so do you Gef.” His head nodded towards the door.  Gef bowed to us and hurried out the door.

Jari looked at us warily, “So you saw Gef.  Do you have your full Eyes of Night yet? And before you ask it is another old expression meaning you can see what is hidden. We call it EON, it is a talent that the Watchers have.  So let’s see, use your EON and see if you can see me.  You will need to work together and I will resist you.”

Scott he doesn’t know we can link like this, you saw how to do this EON thing?

Yeah, let’s blow him out of the water. I almost heard Scott laughing.

I focused on Jari and felt Scott flowing through me.  I mentally reached out towards the feeling and somehow our minds focused together.  The air around Jari started to shimmer but it couldn’t quite change clear the picture.  I couldn’t get through.  I harnessed Scott’s focus again and I felt him reaching for mine too.  Again we channelled and again we failed.

The Watchers WakeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora