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Warning About This Chapter And The Rest Of The Book...

Ross's POV

I don't want to be here, I don't belong here, I get it they wanted to turn me into a man, but a laser light strip club, this is insane.

Why am I here? I don't fit into this place? What are they planning to prove with this? This is not necessary!

"Really a strip club?" I question, I seriously feel like I should be questioning my mentality because first of all we are under age and secondly I feel bad for everyone in this place, including myself.

"It was my idea" Matthew says so proudly oh himself.

"why are you proud of that?" I groan in frustration, I pause before continuing and staring at them all and then looking straight at Matt,
"Wait I don't want to know!" I freak out seeing the smirk on his face after asking my question.

"Good Decision!" My younger brother Rutland nods his head, agreeing with me.

"so what do we do here?" My eyes scan the room,

"watch girls, make out with girls, sometimes screw girls" Luke just shrugs and waves it off like its nothing but when you look like Luke you can get any girl you want, Luke laughs hysterically along with the other guys, just brushing off the situation.

"let's get to the show!" Ashton claps his hands together and leads the way over to the stage but I just don't budge, I want to go home, the smell of alcohol is making me nauseous and the strong smell of smoke from cigarettes and other devices that can kill you, Ellington gives me a look of "sorry dude", as they drag me towards the stage area, girls are on polls and guys are serving drinks from the other side of the bar or throwing there money away to a girl who's probably trying to start a college fund.

"what now?" I look up at this red head who's nickname is red velvet, it's tattooed on her lower back and the announcer also said it when they introduced her and the song she was dancing to, She Likes Girls by Metro station, good song probably being used to put out there she works with girls.

"we get you a girl!" Matt cheers,
"you just have to pick one" he shrugs, Ellington giving me a look of "it's not as bad as you think" this better get better.

"I'll take the next one that walks out" I sigh, like I said before I just want to go home.

This one girl is grinding all over Ashton, him siting two seats over from me, which does looks like fun, but I still believe I don't belong here.

"Now Marano to "The 1975's, Sex" a loud voice echoes through the smoke filled room, my ears ringing at the noise,

"this chick has good taste in music" I smile, actually knowing the song and actually Kind of liking the song.

"See "Chick" you're getting their..." Riker lightly punches me in the shoulder with a kinda proud look on his face, but I only said it because I heard some tattooed covered guy, who's drinking beer from the big bottles who was muscular and scary said it.

" I booked him in with her, privately!" Ryland came running back towards us, I hadn't even noticed that he had left to even make this arrangement, Ryland screams about how I'm getting some tonight, all the guys ohhhh and Ahhh while punching my shoulders and shaking me, I get it I am a 18 year old boy who has never had his first kiss and is still a virgin, I've just never found the right girl but who gives twos shits about that now, I'm in a damn strip club,
"you're in the back room in 5!" He does this kind of dance while my jaw is on the ground.

I run up to Ratliff and I just start yelling "how's my breath ?" "Is my hair okay?" What happens if I screw up?"

"Fine, Hasn't changed in 6 years and kiss her!" Ratliff answers my questions in order,

"okay, one more question?" I stutter,
"how do you kiss a girl?" I whisper, I just watch him face palm as he grabs my wrist and he drags me into the back room area, I hear him start counting and then he just shoves me into a room, I look up and the Marano girl is sitting there, she's just on the end of the bed, legs crossed and playing with her hair.

"Decided to keep me waiting?" This girls voice soft and kind of sing song-y,

"I didn't mean it.. sorry" I stutter, I don't get why I'm so nervous, okay, yes I do, I'm a virgin is a room with a stripper, I stare at my feet, noticing myself staring at her.

"What's your name?" She smiles gently,

"Ross, what's yours? if I might ask?"

"Laura" she states strongly,

"Nice, to be completely honest, I don't know what I'm doing here..." I whisper,

"I know, you have loud friends" She giggles, she has a really pretty giggle.

"so what happens?"

"well we can either make out or we can get to know each other and I can fake it so it looks like we made out." She shrugs with a smirk on her face,

"I like the second option." I nod at her, her smiling probably liking that I chose the second option.

"yea, it seems like the best option.." She pats the spot on the bed next to her, giving me the idea to sit, I walk over and look at right in the eyes, she's stunning, under all the makeup and product.


Chapter 3!

Hope you enjoyed

Ross - To Talk and get to know each other than make out?


Austin - Get Straight to the making out...

My votes on Ross because I have this huge idea, but up to the readers..

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