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Ross's POV

"I really like your name" I smile at Laura Marano, I feel like I'm supposed to use her full. And, I'm also just trying to start a conversation, even though her name is quite beautiful.

"awe thank you, so tell me about you?" She asks me, keeping eye contact with m,

"well I'm Ross Lynch, what else is their to know?" I shrug, my life isn't exactly as exciting as hers obviously is.

"tell me about school, your family, love life.." she shuffles so she's more comfortable on the bed, She shrugs at me like she is actually interested in talking to me.

"well my school life I'm pretty much known as a nerd and a dork and I love maths and science." Man, I must sound like a loser to her, talk about using maths to make a girl not like you.

"Family?" She cuts me off, probably not wanting to know about my grades, which is understandable it's not exactly fun to talk about, school has always come easy to me, girls not so much.

"well that's the reason I'm here, 4 brothers and sister are popular but me not so much, the popular kids said this will make me more of a man"

"what about love life?" She raises an eyebrow,

"well I would never admit to this anyone else but I'm a hopeless romantic, I love Romeo and Juliet"

"that's my favourite movie!" She stands up in front of me, with a smile on her, so wide like she hasn't met someone who likes it as well.

"but the original version." I explain specifically.

"well mamas boy, we have something in common.." she laughs,

"I'm not that." I protest,

"oh trust me you are.."

"I am so not" I say trying to defend myself but it's true, I'm some sort of a mamas boy, but it's not like I want to admit it.

"well than kiss me or you can admit to me you're a mamas boy..."I kinda just have this picture of Ellington in my head saying "just go for it and if you mess up kiss her, or let her take the lead" it echoes in my head.

"you take the lead" I smile at her,

"awesome, or your case Rossome" she jokes making an awful pun,

"funny, you mashed my name with awesome" I have to admit yes I am stalling,

"just shut up mamas boy" She walks towards me and sits on my lap, she tightens her legs around my torso, I can feel myself shaking, I hope she doesn't notice.

"don't be nervous" she whispers in my ear,

"okay I'm being 99% honest, I've never had my first kiss" I choke out my words,

"so we have a virgin, so am I..." she whispers in a sigh,

"what?" I question, it's just kind of surprising,

"my job is to just turn guys on, now shut up and kiss me" She smashes our lips together, I feel sparks fly everywhere every second but it's a first kiss so I guess that just happens, She starts grinding and touching areas, I feel so awkward but this is amazing, I let out a soft moan and her tongue enters my mouth, I didn't fight it, this is amazing I've never felt so alive, she pulls away slowly though, biting my lip with it, making me moan again.

"are you sure that you've never done that" she asks, smirking, and runs her fingers through my hair.

"oh shut up Laura" I laugh,

"Well cya Lynch..." She pecks my cheek, gets off me and then just lays back on the bed, I look at her one last time then walk out to all the guys, I feel different, my bow ties gone and my hairs a mess.

"someone had fun?" Ratliff laughs hysterically, probably just looking at my hot face, I can feel my red cheeks, I look back and all the guys follow my stare, she's just standing there lent up against the doorframe, her hair a mess and wearing my bow tie, she blows me a kiss and skips away.

"best night ever!" I throw my head back while letting out a laugh.


Mamas boy!!

Make out scene, I promise they get better and more Raura feels!

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