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Ross's POV

I walk back into the "club" again for the 3rd time, it's just me and Luke tonight, all the other guys have gone drinking and Luke just wanted to have some fun, so he agreed to come with me, I look around and I can't find her, but I found her boss, I'll just have to ask him.

"Uhh hey where's Laura?" I approach this fat guy, with a cold look on his face,

"she's sick!" He snaps aggressively at me,

"can I see her?" I ask raising an eyebrow,

"room 203 second floor, let's go baby!" He grabs this girl who looks about 20 years younger than him, into a private room.

I just shrug and head for the staircase, a few girl tried to grab me but I kept running, I made it to the 2nd floor and I count the numbers.

"199, 200, 201, 202 here it is" I inhale a breath and knock slowly, I hear footsteps and the opens a crack.

"you can go home I'm sick" she whispers through a crack in the door,

"you don't sound sick" I raise my eyebrows at her,

" please leave" she closes the door in my face,

"open the door Laura"

"Ross, I'm scared just go!"

"what's wrong?" I ask through the door,

"promise you won't laugh" she whispers gently,

"I promise" I whisper back, She opens the door slowly and her cheek is all bruised in the shape of a hand print, her boss did this?

"did your boss do this?" I ask my hand pressed hard against the door to make sure she doesn't close it again,

"Yeah" A tear slips down her nownsore cheek and I whip the tear away.

"please come to my house, I can't let him hurt you!" I pretty much beg,

"why?" She looks up at me...

"because I care about you, I don't know why or how, but please come with me?" Everything just spills from my mouth,

"I can't"


"I'm scared to leave"

"oh" is all that leaves my lips,

"stay here!" She says with a bit of happiness in her voice, I didn't want to lose,

"what?" I ask her though, just in case I miss heard her,

"please stay here with me!" She pleads me,

"sure but I'll have to text my mom" I say immediately regretting my choice of words,

"yay, no funny business" she says pointing

"yea yea whatever" I wave her off, her having a goofy smile on her face, I walk in and the apartment that is quite small, she grabs my hand, they're warm and I feel like they just fit perfectly.

"so am I on the couch?" I ask,

"no he can't know your here, so you'll have to share a bed with me." She glances at the ground,

"sounds good" I sit on the end of her bed and pull out my phone and text my mom.

~Text Convo~

Ross: hey mom, I'm staying at a friends place

Stormie: okay be home by lunch tomorrow

Ross: okay goodnight mom xx

Stormie: night Bub xx

~End Of Convo~

"she's cool with it" I slip my phone back in my pocket,

"okay cool" she smiles,

"so do you want to talk about what happened?" She shuts the door and locks it, I just smile at her and she still has that worried look on her face.

"what's wrong?" I walk up and place my hands on her waist and she puts her hands behind my neck.

"I'm just scared of him hurting you"

"hey it's okay I'll be fine"

"I hope so"

"I know so"


Staying the night😏


I'm joking that's going to be in like chapter 30

Anyways Dorkyxx

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