Matt Shadows Ch 1

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I walked out of my room deep in thought and right into Matt, I looked shocked at his gorgeous body. He was shirtless, it was wrapped around his head. He reeked of beer, not that the sight of him half naked didn't make up for that, I just couldn't get drawn in by him, I couldn't go through this again...

"Damn it!" He yelled loudly, that scared me a bit. He pulled his shirt over his head looking down at me like it was my fault. I guess it was sort of my fault I thought guiltily. I wanted to cry, yell, and punch him for making me feel this way.

"Sorry." I said stiffly before walking past him. I couldn't forgive the way he acted our first time meeting. He was rude because HE had a hangover, there was no way I'd be the first to apologize.

"What's your problem?" He demanded swinging me around by my arm. I will admit his rough treatment scared me causing my anger to rise. I had a memory of Mark doing just the same thing only his hand was tighter giving me no choice but to obey him.

"Your an ass, and I've had my fill of men like YOU." I yelled pulling my arm free, I didn't want to be trapped like that, not by someone stronger... with the power to hurt me... 

"Listen, you caught me on a bad day, I was hung over." He said glaring at me with anger. I was shocked he felt so strongly about something as simple as his reputation. He probably thought I was easily pushed around, I used to be but not anymore... never again.

"No you listen, I caught you on the right day, atleast I know what kind of person you are." I said with as much venom as I could muster, if he thought I hated him then he'd leave me alone and I wouldn't have to worry about him getting... close...

"That's not me!" He practically yelled. 

"Really? You could have fooled me! Won't you be hung over tomorrow or have you found your cut off line?" I asked glaring at him I balled my fists wanting to punch him. I was shocked when he put his lips roughly on mine, not so much by the kiss as what it made me feel... It was... wonderful... I had to put and end to it...I screamed pushing against him. He backed away as I yelled, "DON'T TOUCH ME!" 

"Sorry, you won't have to worry about that happening EVER again." He said stomping out the door. I glared at his back. I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed as I watched him walk away. I shook it off... I couldn't go down the same path leading only to pain... and heart break... like Mark...


I walked into the living room wearing my new dress, It was short, red and strapless, I bought it just for Mark...he was the love of my life and maybe the one thing I used to rebel against my parents... they hated him. 

"Baby, your home!" I said walking to the door to meet him. I grinned as his eyes took in the dress I wore. It was only for his eyes...Then he changed...

"Where did you get that?" He asked glaring at my dress.

"The dress shop in town... I bought it for you." I said frowning, what was he thinking?

"Who did you really buy it for? Are you f*cking cheating on me!?" He yelled grabbing my arms tightly... that would bruise...

Matt ~I Give My Heart To You~ Shadows {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now