Matt Shadows Ch 2

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I felt the tears running down my cheeks as Gwen and Synyster jumped into the limo. I was so happy they had found love, something I had never found. Not real love like theirs, unconditional. I didn't want to be alone at their house for a week but I wasn't going to stop them from going on their honeymoon. I tossed rice at the back window before waving at Gwen as she grinned back at us. Stacy hugged me, her eyes were wet to. "I can't believe they are gone." I said shaking. I was still having nightmares of Mark every night, being in the house alone was not something I was looking forward too.

"I'm happy they are together, they make each other whole. I didn't like the Gwen that was walking like a zombie through the house when they had that misunderstanding so long ago." Stacy said taking Steph from Scott's arms.

"Yeah Syn was in hell too, without Gwen." Zacky said nodding. "Can I hold your baby?"

"Her names Stephanie, Steph for short and if you drop her or wake her you'll have more than her father to deal with." Stacy said pointing at finger at Zacky's chest.

"I swear I'll treat her like glass." He said reaching his arms out. She snuggled against his shirt as he held her tightly in his arms, true to his word he didn't losen his hold once. He smiled down at her warmly.

I heard Jimmy, I think that's what they called him, laughing and made the mistake of looking his way. Matt was staring at me... well glaring actually. I glared at him until he turned away. "Are you going to be fine alone Brittany?"

"I'll be fine." I said wiping at my eyes, they were still damp from earlier.

"Scott has to be at work tomorrow or we'd stay the night." She said looking worriedly at me. It was like she knew about my nightmares... maybe Gwen had metioned them...

"I'll stay with you." Zacky said handing Steph back to Stacey.

"Um Is that a good idea?" Scott asked looking worried. Stacey shook her head and drug him away, she knew I could handle this, I silently thanked her.

"I won't do anything to make you uncomfortable. I know what it's like to be alone." He said shrugging.

"I don't want to put you out." I said smiling at him.

"You won't I like it at Syn's." He said grinning. 


"No problem, I'll be there at eight with my clothes."


"I'll see you there." He said walking away. 

"That is one hot dress." I turned to see a short guy with spiky hair and a smug grin. 

"Um thanks." I said looking down at my strapless gown of white satin. It was trimmed in white lace. Red lace cascaded from my waist to my feet in the back. Gwen had wanted all her brides maids to look beautiful and made it happen. My toes peeked out of my satin heels under my dress.

"I'm Johnny." He said grinning.


"So you and Zacky, are you guys like together?" I didn't want to hurt his feelings but I couldn't lead him on. So I guess I'd just have to lie a little...

"Yeah he's a great guy." He looked down disappointed.

"Yeah I guess. Your also a friend of Gwen's right?." I nodded. "She's nice. Why haven't you, you know been hanging with us?"

"I've been working a lot lately." I said looking away.

"Me too. This album is taking a lot of prep work." I glanced at him and he was slightly bobbing his head... was he trying to sound cool? That was actually sweet...

Matt ~I Give My Heart To You~ Shadows {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now