Matt Shadows Ch 11

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Zacky's POV 

Britt smiled at me before looking nervously at the door, Matt was ten minutes late, damn him. I smiled trying to reassure her but she was still restless. "He's probably just lost track of time, he'll be here." I said patting her hand.

"We have reservations... what if we're late?" she asked frowning down at her hands.. I could kick Matt's ass for this. I shook my head not knowing how to make her calm down..without actually telling her to calm down, that was not something you say to upset chicks.

"Um.." The door bell rang and I sighed in relief. 

"Will you answer it?" She asked quickly grabbing my hand. 

She looked so nervous that I nodded. "Yeah."

"Thanks.." She said hugging me quickly. "I don't want him to know I was waiting.." I nodded and watched her bolt out of the room before answering the door. 

"Hey Matt." I said inviting him in, I felt like the father on his daughter's first date, wanting to protect Britt and make her happy. 

Matt was looking nervous and upset. "Hey, is Britt ready?" He asked looking around.

"Not just yet, she was running a little late." I said grinning. He nodded before sitting down. "Is everything alright?"

He sighed putting his hands over his face. "They mixed up the reservations and now I have no where to take her." 

"Damn man, why didn't you just call and tell her?" 

"I don't want to disappoint her.. I went there trying to persuade them to let us have a table but they're booked for the next three weeks. That just made me late, now she'll never want to go out again." He gave a frustrated sigh before flopping dramatically across the couch covering his eyes with his arms. 

I grinned shaking my head. "Calm down man. Just explain the situation and she'll understand." I said shrugging. He grunted not looking at me. "Matt you can't be upset or you'll send the wrong message."

"What do you mean?" He asked looking at me.

"If she thinks all you care about is where you go and not about being with her, she'll think you don't like her." I said looking pointedly at him.

"I never thought of that..thanks man." he said sitting up and smiling.

"No problem." I said grinning. We waited for a few minutes before Britt walked into the living room smiling. 

"Oh, Hello Matt. I didn't know you were here yet." She said calmly.. but I knew how nervous she really was.. I shook my head grinning.

I watched Matt's eyes roam over her dress with admiration before he grinned at her. "You look amazing." 

Matt ~I Give My Heart To You~ Shadows {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now