Matt Shadows Ch 20

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"Kiss me.." Matt said wrapping his arms around my waist, my heart beat sped up as I pulled the phone away from my ear.

"Matt.. Gwen's going to have her baby... Syn wont be able to drive her." I said remembering all the drinks the guys had..

"I don't want you to leave me." Matt whispered against my cheek.

"Matt.. She needs me." i said as Ali walked through the front door.

"Hey guys." She said smiling as she closed the door.

"Hey Ali, we have to go Gwen's going to have her baby." I said pulling Matt towards the door.

"Can I help?" She asked frowning.

"Yes actually, could you pick up the guys and call her sister?" she nodded as I wrote down Zacky's, Jimmy's, Johnny's addresses and Stacy's number. "Now I have to get her to the hospital. Can you do it?"

"Of course." She nodded looking at the paper as I ran out the door with Matt following me.


:: Two hours later ::

Syn paced the floor of the waiting room looking worried and anxious.. "Calm down Syn. Everythings going to be fine." Matt said holding my hand tightly.

Syn nodded without looking at Matt. "Let me down Jimmy!" Johnny yelled and I smiled as Johnny fell to the floor. Ali laughed softly beside me covering her mouth.

"Just shut up Scott, you can miss one f*cking day of work for my sister to have a baby." Stacy said walking into the waiting room doorway. Steph was crying softly in her arms. "Shh.. Baby it's alright daddy just left his brain at work."

"Can you just give me a f*cking break damn it." Scott said glaring at her back.

"Take your break then damn it." Stacy's eyes were wet as she looked at me then down at the floor.

"Whatever you f*cking say." Scott said leaving the waiting room. Steph let out a vicious scream as Stacy sat down. She began rocking her gently smiling down at her.


Zacky's POV

I clenched my teeth as Stacy smiled down at Steph. She didn't deserve to be spoken too like that, even by her f*cking husband. I got up and grinned down at her as Steph wailed in hers arms. "Can I sit here?"

"Sure." Stacy said smiling up at me, her eyes were wet with tears as she tossed the baby bag on the other side of her.

"Can I hold Steph?" I asked holding my hands out.

"Of course." She helped me get a good grip then I let Steph's cheek lay on my chest. Her wails stopped as she fell asleep sucking on her thumb.

"How are you?" I asked smiling at her.

She was watching Steph sleep rubbing circles on her back. "Fine."

I didn't believe her, tears gathered in her eyes and she wiped them away quickly. "Stacy, talk to me."

"It's nothing." She said shaking her head.

I sighed looking down at Steph sleeping on my arms, she was a beautiful baby, too bad part of her was that bastard. "If you ever need anything, if you just need to talk or you just need a shoulder, I'm here alright?" She nodded smiling through her tears.


Matt hugged me around my shoulders as I yawned loudly. "I'm so tired." I said snuggling into his shoulder.

"I know, you want to go home for a while?" He asked touching my cheek softly.

"No, Gwen's been in labor for hours she could have her baby soon." I said tugging on the bottom of his shirt.

"Then at least let me buy you coffee?" He asked grinning.

"Deal." I said kissing him.

I laughed Johnny ran passed us yelling.. "Leave me alone you giant!"

"Who are you calling giant, short shit?" Jimmy asked running after him. Jimmy slipped falling on his butt. He burst out laughing jumping up quickly. Johnny made the mistake of stopping because Jimmy caught him lifting him over his shoulder.

"Damn it Jimmy." Johnny complained pounding his fist into Jimmy's back. Jimmy laughed walking into the waiting room doorway. A nurse frowned shaking her head. I had to explain hours ago that they were just playing.

Syn was now in the delivery room with Gwen, Zacky was holding Steph and laughing with Stacy, and Ali sat in a chair watching Jimmy and Johnny act crazy. " I wonder how Syn's doing?" Matt asked holding my hand as we made our way down to the cafeteria.

"I'm sure he's still as worried as before." I said as the elevator lowered.

"I guess I'd be the same way if you were here." Matt said smiling at me. "I love you."

"I love you too." I couldn't help but love Matt.. He was my whole world... We made it to the cafeteria and grabbed coffee and a slice of pie to share.


We crowded into the delivery room all praising Gwen and Syn on how beautiful their baby girl was. "What is her name?" Matt asked looking excitedly at the little sleeping baby in Gwen's arms.

"Gabrielle." Syn said grinning proudly. Gwen smiled looking happily at her new baby girl.

"Brie!" Jimmy yelled hugging Syn. Syn laughed hugging Jimmy.

I looked around the room.. This was my family now.. And I would love them forever.... Matt squeezed my hand smiling at me.. We left the hospital after visiting hours and drove back to our house. Matt carried me into the house tossing me on the bed, "Now where were we?" He asked grinning.

"hmm right about here..." I yawned covering my mouth.

Matt laughed and snuggled next to me. "You need sleep beautiful."


"We've always got tomorrow." He whispered kissing my cheek as I fell asleep.

Matt ~I Give My Heart To You~ Shadows {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now