Matt Shadows Ch 17

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:: two months later ::

Gwen's POV

I smiled at Syn as he tossed on a shirt covering the purple smears of paint marring his beautiful chest. He had just finished painting the baby's room purple. We chose purple because neither of us had wanted to know what the baby's gender was.. and now he was needed at the studio. He grinned walking over to the bed were I sat propped against the headboard. "Are you sure you'll be okay babe?" He asked looking down at me with worried eyes.

"Yes, I'm just a little tired, that's all." I said grinning as he kissed my cheek. I held my rounded stomach with both hands, cherishing the tiny life inside. I felt it give a kick and grinned up at Syn. "It kicked.."

"Is the baby alright?" He asked putting a hand over one of mine. He looked worried as he glanced down at our hands..

"Yes this is normal, I'm only seven months along, the baby won't be here for another couple months." I said trying to reassure him. He smiled and nodded before giving me a heart stopping kiss. 

"I love you so much." He whispered against my lips.

My heart did a little flip flop as he stood up straight. "I love you too Syn." 

He grabbed my hand gently pressing it against his chest. "Call me if you need ANYthing."

"I will." I said yawning loudly, I covered my mouth blushing.

"Promise me." He said touching my cheek. 

"I promise." I said leaning into his hand. "Now go have fun while I take a nap."

"I will.. sweet dreams." I snuggled down the bed as he left closing the door softly behind him. I missed him already but soon enough I was sleeping.. but not for long. I opened my eyes as someone pounded on the door. Had Syn come back to get something? Why hadn't he used his key?.. I thought walking to the door and quickly unlocking it. 

I gave a startled scream as Mark pushed through the door roughly..Terrified I backed away quickly before the door could hit my stomach. "Where the f*ck is she?" He asked looking at me with contempt. 

Horrified I watched him grab my arm .. what would he do to..the baby!? "What are you talking about?" I whispered breathless.. looking around for something.. anything to hit him with..

"You know what the f*ck I'm talking about! Where the f*ck is Brittany?" He squeezed my arm and I whimpered as he pulled me closer to him... 

"I haven't seen her in months." I said, tightly closing my eyes..It was the truth but it was a mistake.. He slapped me hard across the face. I moaned as I held my face tasting blood on my lips.

"Don't you f*cking lie to me!" He was breathing heavily looking at me with hate filled eyes..

"I swear I haven't seen her." I whispered blocking my cheek with my hand. He tossed my arm away turning to lock the door.. I backed away quickly.. I couldn't make him angrier.. he couldn't hurt the baby. I froze when he turned back to me holding a silver knife in his right hand. 

Matt ~I Give My Heart To You~ Shadows {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now