Save Point 6: A Golden Opportunity

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Me: ✧*。٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و✧*。 "YEEEEAAAAAH!!! I GOT AN A IN MY BIOLOGY CLASS! TAKE THAT HIGHER EDUCATION! Ahem, in case you couldn't tell, I'm super pleased with myself right now. I mean, I thought the final exam wasn't going so well, especially when I came up with my Celebi poems that I have now posted in Poké Poems right in the middle of it. -_- Yeah, I have a problem. Anyways, here is the end of your suspense...or is it only the beginning of it...?"

Red: "...Blue's a scaredy Skitty..." *Dazzling smile*

Blue: "That picture?! That was an off day for me! Uh..." *Suddenly transfixed by Red's smile*

Me: *Slow, EVIL smirk*


Red froze at the door, holding it open. What was he supposed to do in this situation? Blue was crying, but Red was sure he didn't want any comfort from him—not the boy he had already gotten over in just a week.

It only took Blue a second to realize he was being watched. He startled into a more upright position in the middle of the boy's bathroom and wiped at his eyes furiously. Once his face was acceptably dry, his expression morphed into an irate scowl, emphasized by the yelling of: "What are you looking at?!" The words were nearly enough to send Red stumbling back the way he came, as if they packed a physical punch.

"Ahe-he-hem," someone cleared their throat as they exited one of the stalls. It was a boy, of course, with yellow eyes, and Red felt a spark of anger ignite in him—seriously, F*CK the color yellow! All sunshiny and stupid! Wait...Red's Pikachu was yellow...

The yellow-eyed boy went to the sink and started washing his hands, all with a smug smile on his face. He began speaking again, almost startling Red and Blue, "I think he means: 'Waaah, why doesn't Red like me? What's wrong with me, Mommy? Why aren't I good enough?'" The boy had a mocking, self-confident air about him as he turned from the sink and was immediately grabbed up by his shirt front by an angry Blue.

"Shut up!" Blue commanded him. The boy didn't even flinch. He just smiled benignly back at Blue, who looked like he was going to start throwing punches—although, his face was flushed...

Red hated the idea of violence or conflict, no matter the reason for it. Wouldn't life be easier if we all just got along? And so he decided to speak up, shocking Blue right out of his anger, "What do you mean?" Red asked the yellow-eyed boy. Red was really just hoping to diffuse the situation in any way possible. He sort of succeeded: Blue was now gaping at him instead of trying to glare yellow-eyed boy's face off. But it didn't last long, Blue's shock quickly gave way into another scowl, even before yellow-eyed boy could respond. What was he thinking? That he was so cranky all the time?

"I mean, Red," why did everyone in this school know Red, but Red didn't seem to know half of them?—stalkers, "that your boyfriend here," Blue resumed his shirt-gripping, glaring position, "has been crying in the bathroom about how you don't love him." Blue officially looked as if he was going to blow a gasket while a surge of heat went through Red. Yellow-eyed boy seemed utterly oblivious to their reactions and simply snorted. "Heh, reminds me of Silver..." he muttered and then disengaged himself easily from Blue and squeezed past Red out of the bathroom. Just like that...Uhhhh, what was Red supposed to do now?

Red looked down to his feet as he scuffed them against the linoleum tiles. Surely, yellow-eyed boy had been mistaken. He was just hearing things of course, and Red shouldn't get his hopes up.

"So you'll talk to him but not me." Red was startled to hear Blue speak...and confused by his tone. Red looked up, but Blue had his head tilted down at such an angle that Red couldn't make out his facial expression. He looked tense, though: he had his arms crossed in front of him. If Blue had been so upset about Red not liking him—an absurd idea—wouldn't Blue be...something other than angry right now? Red didn't know how Blue should be reacting to all this, but his current stance didn't seem appropriate at all for a supposedly heart-broken boy.

An Eevee Tail Red x Blue/Green (Namelessshipping)Where stories live. Discover now