Save Point 15: Wake Up and Smell the Blood

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Me: "Enjoy this chapter's video! However, I think the game trailer should be rated 'H' for hentai." XD *Points to picture* "OMG, awwww...Look what Blue got on his coke..." *Pauses because I had to retype that because I originally accidentally wrote a synonym for dick* O.o "Look what Blue got on his coke can! And look! He gave it to Red! And I have to narrate this for you because you guys are blind! And I'm stupid!" *Smiles like a dumbass* "YAY! Wait, how are you reading this if you're blind?...I DON'T KNOW! YAY! But on an actually important note, you know how some authors will be like 'oh, the characters made me write it this way' or 'oh, I wrote it like that because I was in this mood,' and it all just sounds a lot like bullshit? is strangely not bullshit. You know how in the last chapter it didn't end perfectly like there was that awkward part in between the sex and the cuddling? Yeah, I literally blame that on Blue. As for what happens in this chapter? Um, I'm not sure what or who's to blame, but it's really not the cutesy story line I had in mind. Maybe it's better this way, though."


*Reddish POV*

Red awoke in the morning, shivering. He wondered why that was, opening his eyes as he snuggled in closer to Blue's side—the one point of warmth in the otherwise half-frozen room.

Ah, the window had been left open all night, and if the smell of the fresh air pouring in from outside was any indication, it had rained last night, dropping the temperature. Well, Red had an easy fix for that. He snuggled in even closer to Blue with a smile, resting his head on his chest and tucking his extremities into any warm nooks and crannies he could find on the other young man. And then he tried to fall back asleep.

But something smelled funny. Red sniffed Blue's shirt, but, no, it wasn't his boyfriend. Hmm, was it the rain? Sometimes rain smelled more like rotting worms than a fresh shower for the planet Earth. was something distinctly familiar about this smell—Red had smelled it before, and it had nothing to do with the rain. Ugh, he got a stronger whiff of it—Red didn't like it at all. It smelled your hands smelled after dealing with a bunch of old coins—it was giving Red a headache. However, he could place the smell now—there was only one thing that smelled like that besides actual old coins.

It was blood.

Red peeked up at Blue's sleeping face to make sure his stupid boyfriend wasn't somehow, miraculously having a nosebleed in his sleep. It wouldn't've surprised Red if he actually was, but that wasn't the case. Blue was completely fine, even smiling a little from whatever dream he was currently having. Red hoped it was a nice one, reaching up to rub his fingers tenderly along Blue's cheek, instantly dismissing the smell as some phantom nose problem or whatever. It had happened before—sometimes smells just came out of nowhere.

Hmm, on another note, Red's butt was leaking again. What? Seriously? Still? Come on, there had to be some unspoken rule here where, like, those kinds of things could only last for a maximum of six hours or something. Self-consciously, Red reached around to the back of his second pair of borrowed boxers and swiped a few fingers over his sore hole. Yep, they definitely came away wet.

Red was grinning to himself, remembering his lost virginity fondly, as he brought his hand back around to his face to inspect those very same wet fingers...His brow furrowed. What? They were red. That didn't make...any...sense...Red brought his fingers closer to his face and smelled them. His head swam with the undesirable stench of rusty old metal. His whole body reacted to the smell instinctually, and he swore he felt sick in his very veins—nobody was supposed to like the smell of blood.

An Eevee Tail Red x Blue/Green (Namelessshipping)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang