Save Point 12: The Fangirls' Guide to Dealing with Mega Baes

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Me: "OMG, You, do you think they're talking about you?" *Points to title*

You: *Isn't sure if that's a compliment or a sign you're being stalked by a psychotic female*

Me: "Oh, don't worry which one it is. You'll never know...until it's too late."

You: *Neutral expression, so over these kinds of jokes*

Me: "Darn it! I shall have to change my routine! Time to consult the panel of fangirls." *Watches YouTube video, loves ending, doesn't get around to changing routine because she pees herself a little from laughing too hard and has to go change her underwear*

You: "Okay, TMI, and I like the peeing in the bag part."

Me: "I cannot get over the ending."

Yellow: *Face is replaced by static*

You: "What does that mean?"

Me: "Umm..." *Shrugs, then becoming horrified as realization sinks in* "Perhaps we offended the all-powerful fa-!"

You: "...?"


You: "...Did her computer break? OH MY G-!"

Yellow: *Face is replaced by static*

Blue: "...Who's supposed to write this then? Or read it?"



Blue: "...?" O.o;


*Reddish POV*

After taking his shower, Red encountered a dilemma: put on old, dirty clothes (including boxers from wet dream)? Or borrow some of Blue's clothes? Well, Red didn't want to wear dirty clothes, not after just getting clean, but there was a problem with the other plan, and its name was:

Cliché boyfriend shirt.

See, Blue, on the whole, had a larger frame than Red, and that was fine and all—he was good for cuddling—but that meant all of Blue's clothes were too big for him. And if there was one thing that Red could honestly say he hated most in this world, it was the idea of becoming someone's:

Cute, needy, whore plaything.

See, Red saw the stereotypical modern-day female once a week on Tuesday nights in the airings of his mother's favorite tv show: she was sassy, but she'd apologize for it later; independent, but she couldn't stay away from you; didn't want to be called 'cute' but was, by definition, cute. And every single time she slept over at 'Fabio, the Dragon Trainer's' house, the next morning she was always wearing THE DREADED BOYFRIEND SHIRT, and Fabio would pick her up and carry her through the kitchen BRIDAL STYLE.

Red refused to be someone's girlfriend. It was bad enough that he had a fangirl club at school that had already relegated him to the role of 'cute, loner type.' And Blue was really, really attractive and all—now that Red's wet dream had opened his eyes to that. But Red would go NO FARTHER down the path of:

Easily defined, does everything you expect, slut.

...And yet he was digging through Blue's closet for the damn shirt because he somehow hated the dirty clothes idea more...

And so that was the story of how, as he went down the stairs, Red came to be dressed in an over-sized purple t-shirt and pair of boxers—which you couldn't even see from under the shirt—and no pants—because rolling up the legs was a real lame pain, wasn't it? Of course, Red didn't know how he was supposed to walk home without pants, but right now his mind was occupied by more important things:

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