Save Point 2: Delete Save File and Start Again?

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Me: "So we're just gonna jump right into this chapter, basically continuing immediately after the events of the last one. So if you need a quick refresher on where we left off, we were in Viridian City where Blue had run off to, and Red, along with Yellow, Kris, and Leaf, were travelling through, and they saw each other. And Yellow was very shocked. Blue was fucking kissing a girl. And Red was obviously very, very pissed. Sounds like fun. Enjoy!" ;D


*Reddish POV*

Red didn't have anything to say anymore. He was fully prepared to go back to giving Blue the silent treatment. Besides, if Yellow's slowly shifting facial expression—from shocked to her very core to blank and stricken and then even brewing with rage just beneath the surface—was any indication, Red didn't need to speak for Blue to get an earful.

Sure enough, Yellow stepped forward after a few seconds of a stalemate between Red and the girls and Blue with his posse. Blue had the sense to blanch when she did so...but Yellow spoke softly, almost robotically, "Hi, there. Blue and I used to be friends. My name's Yellow. What's yours?" Yellow gently extended her arm for a handshake and while Blue's posse of girls seemed amused by this, Blue, himself, flinched. Red caught him mouthing something to himself and thought it over for a minute. What was it?...'Used to?' But hadn't Blue been the one to run away and sever ties? Red snorted to himself. Blue was so beyond help.

"Platinum," the dark-haired girl who had kissed Blue chimed, graciously extending her arm and accepting Yellow's hand. While she had been smiling serenely just a moment before, her face soon twisted with discomfort. Red looked down and noticed Yellow's fist was clamped down like a vise around the other girl's open palm, no doubt grinding the bones in her hand together like twigs. Yellow's face remained clear, though, and she soon let go. The other girl immediately retracted her hand, withdrawing it to hold by her chest, and she seemed on the verge of tears.

Yellow spoke again, "I'm sorry, but could we have a moment alone with Blue? There's just one thing I want to say to him."

Platinum nodded quickly, still holding her injured hand to her chest, and then she ushered her friends away. They left, trailing murmurs of concerned questions behind them. All traces of Blue's earlier arrogant confidence had completely vanished, and he was left looking like a child anticipating a scolding.

"Blue..." Yellow started, "I get how it must've been hard for you when Red went to the hospital, and everyone was spreading rumors, and you must've felt guilty, and we weren't as supportive as we could've been. And maybe we should be the ones getting lectured by you right now—if the world worked that way and was fair. But it's not fair, Blue, and I can't help but just think that you traded your bully friends in for those girls, and I'm hurt that you left me!" Yellow's voice was suddenly wet with unshed tears as she drug a hand up over her forehead and hair, "And I'm so angry, Blue! And, like I said, maybe I don't have any right to be, and part of me is just so angry at myself, but you left us! And you're so stupid! I don't know who started those rumors, but Red certainly doesn't think you raped him! AND DON'T EVER KISS THAT GIRL IN FRONT OF ME AGAIN!"

Blue audibly gasped, but it was too late by then. He was so fickle. Of course he would always appeal to whatever group of people were placed in front of him at the moment, and it was just a trait of Blue's, and it was not something that could be fixed. His first instinct was always to get on someone's good side. He didn't want to be scolded, or he could've withstood staying in Pallet Town until Red got back from the hospital. And he had sworn off the bullies with Red, confessing his insecurities, but what were those girls if not prettier, sweeter versions of the bullies? And for all the progress Red had thought they had made in their relationship, where was the actual progress? Red was back to square one. Blue was back to square one.

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