Save Point 9: The Case of the Missing Cubone: Part 1

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Me: *Sees this picture on the internet and promptly shits her motherfucking pants* "Omfg, if that's what pokémon would look like if they were real, I would never sleep again, and there would be, like, a tv show called Finding Cubone (Finding Bigfoot reference) because that thing looks like some kind of fucking sasquatch lizard demon that people tell tales of, and nobody else believes them." *Shudders* "Anyway, moving on, I revised the writing schedule after my hissy fit, and so this update was actually planned to go in week 3 of my 3 week writing rotation, but the week we're currently in is week 2. See, week 1 is Mondays and Thursdays, so that would be Ash x Gary and Steven x Lance. Week 2 is Wednesdays and Saturdays, which is Wally x Brendan and Spideypool, but I thought it was Wednesdays and Fridays, which is Wally x Brendan and both Red x Blue stories, and so I wound up writing a chapter for Red x Blue instead of one for Spideypool. Now, I don't feel like trying to crap out a chapter of Spideypool, so just this once I'm pretending like week 2 is Wednesdays and Fridays and week 3 is Tuesdays and Saturdays. This really doesn't affect you all that much, but it means on the next Friday update—when I will presumably be uploading as I had originally planned—the update will feel like it's a week late because this update was a week early. And for Spideypool, its next update after this coming one will feel like it's a week early because its update was a week late. Anyway, I just felt like—if you wanted to know what was going on with my writing schedule specifically—I'd let you know, and that's that. Go read the chapter now!" *Starts the show*


*Raddish POV*

(Me: *Waits for someone to notice*)

Red didn't realize how tightly he was squeezing his eyes shut, until he opened them and felt the tension leave the surrounding skin and muscles. It was no use—he couldn't sleep. Somehow, in the process of travelling with Blue and his friends, he must've gotten used to the constant chatter. Now Red was alone.

He wriggled to turn over in his sleeping bag, glancing around in the darkness of the woods somewhere between Cerulean and Vermillion. Sweetiemander was acting as his nightlight, curled up in a warm ball a foot or so from his head. Pikachu was cuddled up next to the fire type, probably using it as a space heater.

Red sighed. He was lonely. Blue had already left to go see his sister in Pallet Town, and he had taken Kris with him. Red was sure he could've kept travelling with the others, but he didn't want to. Leaf was a mess. Something about Green and Lyra still struck him as off. And when he could be bothered to notice it, he didn't like the way Yellow looked at him.

Red reached over and poked Pikachu, just barely pushing in the soft, chubby red circle of one of its cheeks. A few seconds later, two deliriously tired brown eyes blinked open, wheeled in their sockets, and then finally focused on him. They stared blankly as though still asleep. Red poked Pikachu again. The electric type blinked some more, slightly livelier this time, and then, finally, its eyes lit up with a dim recognition. Pikachu opened its mouth a tiny bit, "Pi..." and then massively wide as it yawned at what seemed to be full volume, "Kaaaaaa!"

After it was done with its yawn, Pikachu pushed itself up onto all fours, appearing to have to concentrate intensely to get its wobbly legs under itself. Pikachu then stumbled the short distance over to Red's face and threw itself over his eyes, a plush, furry tummy blinding him. After that, Pikachu did not move, presumably asleep again, and now using Red's face as its bed.

Red burst into giggles and dragged the unconscious electric type off of his face and into his arms. A cool, nighttime breeze rustled the leaves on the trees then, and Red's laughter was cut short as an unnatural sound accompanied the wind. It sounded like a cow bell rattling in the the middle of the the woods somewhere between Cerulean and Vermillion City.

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