Save Point 1: Well, I See Your Eyes Are Still Brown

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Me: "Berry mulch side note before we get into anything, it turns out you can only dedicate a chapter to one person, but this update is actually also dedicated to Fandangokiwi. So, I was watching this YouTube video, not the one you're getting toDAY-!" *Abruptly covers your eyes in shock at 1:01* "parodying what happens on and Wattpad. I know it was supposed to be funny, and usually I'm a good sport, but I don't really get what's so amusing about making fun of people doing what they love. I mean, I love writing these stories and interacting with you guys, and I do get that some of the things I write are pretty cracky because they're supposed to be. Like, I just didn't get this YouTuber's sense of humor, but one of the things he criticized was the overt use of *stage directions* shall we call them, to explicitly point out things like the current point of view (POV) to the readers...How is this funny? Plays are built upon this kind of explicit description—where does he think the *stage directions* are coming from? And they can be helpful to a reader in a low context situation. Additionally, I use them to insert the occasional joke now and then, which is the only way they would be funny. Anyway, this is relevant to today's chapter because you won't actually be getting a POV stage direction in the beginning. The viewpoint is supposed to be vague to begin with, and when it's no longer supposed to be vague, then you'll know exactly whose it is. Normally, I like to use *POV* ever since I discovered it, but sometimes it can be a plot device not to use it. I hope you enjoy this update, and I'll see you at the end!" *Cheerfully waves goodbye because if this was a play she had to act out later, she would need to be told what the playwright wants her to be doing...duh...and because it makes author's notes like this one more lively for you guys in my opinion* :D


The application of a firm pressure around your back and chest slowly dripped through into your awareness. Like a subtle leak of something unseen, you were neither sure when it had begun, nor what it was...but a faintly growing yellow spot on your ceiling...

The rush of air and a thudding, too, met your ears—was one of them pressed against something solid and warm? Yes, warmth seeping into your skin as the heat of the sun would on a hot summer's day. The warmth accompanied the pressure, encircling you, and you reached up to touch it, beginning to suspect now that it was a pair of arms wrapped around you, the life-assuring thudding of someone's heart, a solid chest pressed to your ear, and the rhythmic rush of someone's breath. Indeed, your hand encountered another hand placed over one of your collarbones: the bony prominences of knuckles, the slight ridge of a vein, the fingers brushing back against your own as they met...

It was peaceful.

Red woke with a start to the chill of an autumn morning, an unwarranted spike of adrenaline pushing his heart to a maniacal beat. For a brief moment, only one word was on his mind: 'Blue'...Then he lay limp in bed, waiting for his heart rate to calm in the chill of his bedroom on this morning, his sheets kicked carelessly around the foot of the bed sometime in the night.

A few minutes later, a sudden heat on his leg snapped him out of his daze. Red sat up in bed, looking down at Sweetiemander nuzzling his leg as though to say, 'Good morning.'

"Red! Breakfast!" came his mother's voice distantly from downstairs, and he knew she expected no answer.

Red caressed his small fire type's cheek with the back of a finger, returning the greeting, then got up and went to his closet, trying to shake off a lingering, unnatural chill that had nothing to do with the ambient air temperature. He shrugged into his casual clothes: a black t-shirt, jeans, his thin red and white jacket. Then a drowsy Pikachu popped up by his feet, wearing his hat as a shield from the morning sun, pouring in through the window blinds that he had left open last night.

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