Save Point 13: A Pokémon's Trainer

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Me: *Points to video* "I'm not actually sure about the title of this story, but I've heard it called Eevee's Green, and I think this title, along with what Eevee has to say here, reveals a nontraditional perspective on the trainer-pokémon relationship. Usually, we think about how much the trainer cares for their pokémon, which is understandable seeing as how the anime, manga, and videogames of Pokémon are generally showing us the viewpoint of the trainers. But in rare cases, like this video, we get the opportunity to change our viewpoint to that of the pokémon.

"Originally, I had been focusing on Red's dad in this update, but I'd like to thank Fandangokiwi for reminding me of the significance of the pokémon and supporting characters in this fanfic. So, while you've likely seen how important Blue is to Eevee by watching the video I attached, now I'd like to show you how important Red is to Pikachu and a few other things, too. As always, I hope you enjoy what you're about to read, and I thank you for reading it. Oh, and I thought the picture was fitting because it's like a flashback, and there are a lot of those in this chapter." *Starts the show*


*Reddish POV*

"Red..." Red's mother shook her head, seeming slightly exasperated or despairing about the whole situation, "this is your father," she finally said, gesturing to the man beside her in the doorway with a casual wave of her hand.

Red hadn't even walked inside his house yet, but somehow he was still, for the very first time ever—that he could remember—meeting his father. He allowed his eyes to start at the black dress shoes of the man before him and travel up slowly. He saw black dress pants over legs that were longer than his own, a black belt, a white dress shirt, a red tie—that left him feeling uncomfortable about his mother's preference for the color—a black jacket, broad shoulders and then a face...Red stopped at the face, finding details of his own in it. And the man had the black hair that his mother never had and the red eyes, too—that left him feeling even more uncomfortable about his mother's preference for the color. was this is the man that had never bothered to walk through the very doorway he was standing in for the entire eighteen years his son had been alive.

Red wasn't sure what he had expected to feel or see—he had never had any ideas about who his father should be. But he definitely had never wanted to see someone with his eyes, a casual smile, and a business suit step into this house and just NOT FIT IN. This man, whoever he was, did not belong in anyone's HOME. He had the feel of a professional principal—a headmaster distanced from his students in all the ways that didn't involve business.

So this was business, huh? Red ran his tongue over his teeth, feeling the pointy edges scrape over his taste buds. He could feel the angst welling up inside of him—the same angst that had been strangely developing ever since Blue had come into his life. And giving this man—this father—another slow once-over with his eyes, Red decided all at once that the angst was a lack of satisfaction with his life. Yes, ever since Red had met Blue, he had been realizing that he didn't like being alone, didn't care for being quiet, and he wanted to change. Last night, when Red had been giving Blue the 'we can change together' talk, it had really seemed that Blue was the one who needed to change more. But, no, Red...Red actually really needed it, too, and not just where his speech faculties were concerned but at home. He wanted his mother to look him in the eyes and expect something out of him—not just generally wave off his shortcomings—but expect him to really grow up. For years, she had not minded in the slightest when Red wouldn't even so much as speak to her on a daily basis—she would just wait patiently for the days that he would. And she did expect him to have good behavior and go to school and help out with the restaurant, but she let him do these things on his own terms for the most part—silently. And never once had he discussed his dreams, where he was going in life, with his mother. She just didn't seem to look at him as a human being that had to grow up at some point. Red wanted her to, though, and he wanted to change into that grown up—or at least for now, change into the person that she could expect to grow up. Honestly, Red should have been standing here right now, getting screamed at by her instead of facing his father. Surely his father being here was just his mother's way of pushing the responsibility of expecting something out of him off onto that man. And as for what Red wanted to change about his father? He wanted him to leave—go right back where he came from.

An Eevee Tail Red x Blue/Green (Namelessshipping)Where stories live. Discover now