Author's Note

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You: "I don't want an author's note! I want an update!" *Rabid*

Me: *Hangs head in shame* "Yes, I'm working on it right now. Please forgive me. I am worthless."

You: "...You're not worthless..." *Becoming less rabid*

Me: "No, no, I am. My advisor agrees with you, now that she's heard I've failed chemistry." *Starts walking off into sunset*

You: *Tackle hug attack!* "No! I'm sorry! Update whenever you can!"

Me: *Smiles when you're not looking* "Haha...successfully distracted you, did I? Now I can get away with not updating!" *Fist pumps*

You: *Notices* "I WILL DESTROY YOU."

Me: O.o *Cowers* "But it's true! I did fail chemistry! Have mercy on me!"

You: *Gets out whip* "Type, woman! Type!"

Me: TnT *Keeps working on that update*

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