Save Point 3: Red x Blue...Slash Green? *MUST READ!!!*

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Me: "OMFG, the ending for this chapter is a masterpiece

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Me: "OMFG, the ending for this chapter is a masterpiece. I mean, it is right? RIGHT?! LOVE ME! LOVE MY WRITING—I COMMAND IT! BUT FIRST I COMMAND THAT YOU WATCH THE ATTACHED VIDEO, COMMEND ROBOT-CHAN FOR HER AMAZING SPEECH SKILLS" *Sarcastic face* "AND HYPOTHESIZE ABOUT THE UPCOMING INGENUITY YOU ARE ABOUT TO READ! AHAHAHAHA! HYPNOTIZE THEM ROBOT-CHAN! HYPNOTIZE THEM AND TEACH THEM OF OUR WAYS! Oh, and uh, I also made you guys a picture." *Points to picture* "Well, really I found some pictures online and then edited them together and changed one of the Green/Blue's eye color and added a few other things...All things considered, I think I did a good job. Whatever. Enough of this. Enjoy your reading! See you at the end! Buh-bye!"


*Reddish POV*

At the Pokémon Center, it was time for bed. Red shuffled into the brightly lit room with two bunk beds and one Caterpie Kris, snuggled into her pink sleeping bag in the middle of the floor. Her hair was undone from its pigtails, and she watched with concerned eyes, crushing a half asleep Little Miss in her arms, as Blue followed Red in through the door and brushed his hand across the other young man's shoulder, causing Red to suddenly stiffen and hop away from the touch, narrowly avoiding stepping on Kris. Pikachu sparked its cheeks angrily, clutching onto the dangerous precipice of Red's hat where it struggled to regain its balance after nearly falling from its perch. Blue lingered by the door afterwards, cheeks flushed in either mortification or hurt again, as he held the door open for a short line of pokémon.

Squirtle toddled into the room first, not seeming all that tired and leading Sweetiemander in by the hand, who soon pulled away and struggled after Red. And then after that was Eevee, practically dragging her face on the ground in exhaustion as she was mostly pushed in the room by Gall, the new noble steed of Fanny ever since she had discovered Espeons stood taller off the ground than Eevees and thus offered a better view of the passing scenery.

Blue plucked Eevee up off the floor, and Gall, suddenly without purpose, blinked before dragging himself one foot further into the room, half on top of Kris' sleeping bag, and collapsing. Fanny, as wide awake as ever, tried to urge her steed onwards but found it wouldn't budge. Perhaps she would have to pick her steeds from now on based on height and stamina.

Yellow and Leaf were already in the room, in their nightgowns, and brushing their hair out as they chatted together idly before bed, so Blue let the door fall shut and stepped over Kris in the opposite direction of Red, giving him some space. The sleeping arrangement generally worked out so that Leaf and Red wound up on one side of the room in one bunkbed while Blue and Yellow wound up on the other side and Kris would vaguely attempt to go to another room before Leaf would forbid it and help her spread her sleeping bag out in the middle of the room.

An Eevee Tail Red x Blue/Green (Namelessshipping)Where stories live. Discover now