Requested One-Shot: The Emoji Code

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Me: "Okay, Yokie_Games contacted me with a plan a little while ago. A plan to give a friend a birthday surprise! So I wrote this Red x Blue one-shot, featuring an OC named Pink, for you, MarryIsAFujoshi! Happy birthday, Marry! I know your biggest OTP is preciousmetalshipping (I read your profile), but I also know you've been commenting on this story, so I hope you like my one-shot! And to everybody else, I'm sorry there's not a regular chapter being posted with this. We'll be resuming regular updating VERY SOON. Until then, please enjoy Marry's birthday present with her!"


Blue had obviously been doing this too long—trying to understand Red and people like him, that is—because he swore he was hallucinating right now.

The new girl sitting next to Red, who he had never met before, saw their waiter approaching and got another exclamation mark above her head. Red also saw the waiter, but then simply turned his attention back to Blue, three dots appearing above his head.

Blue, mouth slightly agape and cup of coffee held halfway between the tabletop and his mouth, continued to stare blankly at the silent pair sitting across from him in one of the diner's booths. Ellipses (Me: "An 'ellipsis' is '...' It's the technical term for it, you know? Like how we call ',' a comma. 'Ellipses' is the plural form.") continued to appear periodically over Red's head, and after the waiter left and the girl noticed how Blue was staring at them, she got a question mark over her head. Blue looked down at the mug of coffee he still held in his hand and then very slowly lowered it back to the table. Maybe he shouldn't drink coffee anymore. Blue cleared his throat then and laughed awkwardly, trying to tell himself it was, in fact, the coffee making him see these things.

"So..." he started nervously, rather caught-off guard by all of this, "you are...?" He quirked a brow at the girl sitting next to Red. He didn't know who she was, and he wasn't sure why they were here today. Most things having to do with Red were hard to understand like that.

At the same time as the platinum-blonde girl smiled, a smiley face popped up over her head. She didn't do or say anything else, as silent and enigmatic as Red was. However, a few moments passed and then the smiley face over her head switched to a solid block, the color pink. Blue glanced down at her outfit. She certainly was wearing a lot of pink—he looked back up to her face—but her eyes were green.

Blue glanced nervously back down at his coffee, still trying to process all of this. He swallowed. "So, uh...your name is Pink, then?"

The girl got another exclamation mark over her head and then smiled widely as a thumbs-up icon flashed over her head. It was like she was saying, "Oh! You figured it out all by yourself? How surprising! Good job! Good job! Good job!"

Blue needed to see a therapist...or maybe a neurologist. "So, um...nice to meet you, Pink? Why are we here again?" he asked.

Blue was more than a little startled when the blonde girl glomped onto Red's arm and started snuggling her face against his shoulder enthusiastically. A love-struck emoji appeared above her head. Its eyes were hearts. There were hearts above its head. There were hearts everywhere.

Stunned, Blue glanced over to see Red's reaction, and...that was even more stunning. Red didn't show any emotion outwardly but instead of the ellipsis, a small heart blipped into existence above him for a brief moment and then was gone.

Blue felt his mouth starting to go dry, but that was probably because his jaw was halfway to the center of the earth by now. And then...well, Blue was annoyed, frustrated even. It seemed like they were saying they were dating, and the two of them were both so weird that Blue just didn't even have any right to be mad at them, did he? It would be like yelling at a couple of little kids for doing something they didn't know any better not to do—wrong. Still, Red was supposed to be Blue's. They had been hanging out together for so long—hell, even living together—that Blue had eventually simply assumed their feelings were mutual.

An Eevee Tail Red x Blue/Green (Namelessshipping)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin