Save Point 6: I'd Say That's Red...and Blue

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Me: "Alright, this chapter is about Blue's viewpoint because we really haven't seen that much of that, have we? And with examining Blue's viewpoint, comes a detached perspective on Red, and I gotta tell you, just writing a whole chapter using Red as a character in a viewpoint other than 'Reddish' is really friggin' different. Like, I guess you see the lack of feedback and information Blue's been dealing with this entire time, but when we were always focusing on Red's POV, we all got to know what he was thinking, even if he wasn't saying it aloud, yeah? And now taking those thoughts away and leaving you with Blue who's less thoughtful, more in the moment, and doesn't know what Red's thinking—it's really different. Or maybe I'm just talking out of my ass—I don't even know anymore. My brain is on strike, which is pretty typical of it actually. I'm just trusting at the moment that I have typed actual words that make sense. Anyways, I hope you like this chapter, and without further ado, let's get this show on the road."


*Blue's POV*

"Red?!" I called out in the pitch blackness of Mt. Moon. (Me: *Snickers* "Even though Mt. Moon was well lit—at least in the Leaf Green version I played. I guess I turned off the lights." *Demonic smile* "Actually, come to think of it. You can go to Mt. Moon in Soul Silver and whatnot, too, can't you? Huh. Don't remember doing that.")

"Okay, everybody calm down here a second, Blue," I heard Yellow say in the darkness.

"Red?!" I called again, reaching blindly out to either side of me. My hand encountered someone. "Red?!"

"Eeep!" Kris squealed, "Who's touching me?! LEAF!"

"It's not me," came the belligerent reply.

"No, I meant, get over here and help me!"

"Eh." Leaf didn't seem very motivated at the moment. Actually, none of them had their priorities in the right order.

"Red?!" I screamed again. "Eevee?!"

"Wee!" I was relieved to at least hear Eevee squeaking beside me.

"Okay, it stopped now," Kris whimpered.

"Good for you, Kris." Okay, that was Lyra this time.

"Leaf, Lyra is being mean to me."

"Yellow, we can't have two Krises in our group. I'm going insane."

"Yellow, I can't find Red!" I tried to make myself heard over their squabbling.

"Alright, alright, everybody shut up!" Yellow called us to order, "And answer me when I call your name. One at a time now, okay?"

I assumed the following silence was full of nodding heads.

"Green?" she asked.

"Here." Fuckin' dumbass. I hated even hearing him speak. He's the one who should've gotten lost.

"Thank you for being quiet," Yellow complimented him.

Oh, did I mention? They were acting all buddy-buddy now. I made a gagging sound in the back of my throat.

"Blue, go fuck yourself," Yellow answered me, "I certainly don't need to check if you're here. Leaf?"

"Here. Does anyone have aspirin? My head is killing me."

"Does anyone have aspirin?" Yellow repeated.

"Yellow, Red is missing! Forget about the fucking aspirin! And forget about your roll call! Everyone besides Red has talked at some point!"

An Eevee Tail Red x Blue/Green (Namelessshipping)Where stories live. Discover now